It has now been over 3 months since I last blogged. While I have had many, many things to blog about, precious free time to journal my thoughts on the computer have been near impossible to find. And even though Brad's schedule has calmed down just a little, there are so many other pressing things that devour my time. Currently, the kiddos (Caleb, Sammy, and 2 year old cousin Lauren) are taking their afternoon nap, my mother-in-law is reading out on our deck, my sister-in-law Sarah is sleeping on our couch, and Brad's brother Brian is at work with Brad doing some of his Intervarsity ministry work. Even though there are toys EVERYWHERE, and I need to start thinking about what we're having for supper, this moment is for reflect, rest, and do something fun for me (not for anyone else).
Rest. I'm not even sure what that actually is anymore. But I'm going to try and find out.