Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I've been thinking a lot about joy lately.

Or maybe about my lack of it.

I feel like I am spending a great deal of time (hours upon hours throughout my day) trying to align my emotions with the truth of God.

Sadly, most days of late, my emotions come out on top.

I'm learning that knowing the Word of God and the character of God...

and actually living by it, moment by moment and day by day...

are sometimes two totally different things.

It is a battle. A battle of my mind. A battle over my emotions and the worries of this very finite world.

And every day it changes. One day, I am at peace and have my eyes focused on Christ. I only think of the necessities and work of that day. I only think in my mind "what is" statements and not "what if's."

Then, there are days like today. A complete roller coaster from start to finish.

I woke up feeling crummy. I hadn't slept well, and Brad told me I actually screamed out while I was sleeping (which was a first for me). I don't remember why I screamed...but I remember having terrible, fitful dreams. After trying to rub those thoughts out of my eyes, I spent the morning playing with the kids (we made tents and tunnels with sheets in my bedroom) and making some homemade granola and oatmeal pancakes. I was feeling pretty good about myself and the day. I was being a great mom and a pretty good "Betty Crocker."

But then, you know what I'm talking about, the kids start hitting or hurting one another...this was just after I put Hannah down for her morning nap and I had jumped into the shower.


And I got frustrated and yelled at Caleb...which brought on a shower of tears. I tried to get control and calm him down...just as I heard Hannah wake up from all the commotion.

Why was I surprised?

I again try to calm everyone down (including myself) and get lunch made. I then sent Sammy and Caleb outside to play...score one more for being a good mommy...and finished feeding Hannah. Everything was back on track and going well...

until a phone call...

and another hard and frustrating situation came my way.

And I am back to "feeling" heavy laden with burdens and cares of this world.

I've been trying all evening to wrap my mind around why I am feeling this way, yet again.

I think I figured it out.

Um...let me explain...

This is my daughter, Hannah.

Yes, she is the cutest 8 month old around.

Hands down.

Do you want to know what her middle name is?


And it perfectly suits her.

She is the happiest, most content baby EVER!

She is a joy, and she radiates joy to everyone around her.

And as Brad and I were trying to sort through 3 months (and hundreds of pictures) tonight, I couldn't get over these pictures of her.

Joy...she is such a joy...

and that is exactly what I've been missing.

My BSF teaching leader said just a couple of weeks ago, "where your eyes are fixed, will affect your joy."


When I have had my eyes on the circumstances of friends and family and on Brad and me and our family, I have been without hope, depressed, overwhelmed, filled with fear...

When I have had my eyes on Christ, I can handle the stresses of each day and live joyfully in the midst of them.

I dug through some more BSF notes and found this jewel:

"Begin with God and you will have the right view of people and circumstances."

"Begin with people and circumstances, and you will have the wrong view of God."

I know, I know, it seems so simple, so easy to me now.

But in the midst of a hard conversation and the lack of energy to do much of anything and the tears that just keep coming...

it's hard to remember those truths and these truths...

"When anxiety was great within me, your consolation brought me joy." - Psalm 94:19

"So with you: Now is your time of grief, but I will see you again and you will rejoice, and no one will take away your joy." - John 16:22

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." - John 16:33

Praise God that at this hour I may have joy! That despite what sleep brings tonight, I can wake up with the joy of knowing God and that He has provided all I need for each day. This joy and peace is something the world cannot offer.

And praise God that He has given me a very small sliver of the joy that is mine through this little child.

And I'm so glad He did!

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

A time to release

A friend said to me yesterday, "I haven't really seen you smile since like October."

She meant no disrespect...she was truly telling me how she saw it, and I appreciate her honesty.

And, yes, I think that does about sum it up.

It's been a long last couple of months.

I breathe a heavy sigh as I type that.

I remember journaling in my Sabbath notebook about a year ago that I felt so completely blessed and fulfilled. That all was "right in the world" concerning my home, children, husband, friends, and church.

Then I wrote..."but I feel something is coming...and I pray that this mountain-top time will prepare me for what's ahead."

I feel like I am now in the midst of that "time" right now.

I haven't posted anything on my blog for almost a month. I've written partial and entire posts, but eventually decided to disregard them or delete them all together. It's been hard for me to separate my emotions and what they are saying about my current life and what God's Word says about it.

Much of what I have written and not published were really "self-pity" posts. One night about 2 weeks ago, I read through a post I was just about to publish and realized how incredibly self-absorbed, whiny, and ungrateful it sounded.

It really disgusted me.

At that moment, I felt as if God was saying to stop using my blog to release my burdens...but to instead release them to Him.

So, my blog has cease to exist until I felt I was able to take all the burdens I have (and am continuing to carry around) to Him first.

I'm still working...daily...at laying my burdens at His feet. It's been a grueling road, especially these last 6 weeks, but I'm praying that as I travel through these trials, God continues to refine me, placing me in conditions where all the muck can be sifted off the top to reveal a more beautiful and clearer reflection of Himself.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Nothing else matters...

My heart is aching today.

The last three weeks have been some of the very hardest of my entire life.

So much has fallen to the way-side due to the incredible emotional roller coaster of the last 21 days.

Every day I've fought the temptation to complain and grumble about the whirlwind, fear, anxiety, and pain around me.

But it's not about me.

Especially today.

And it's not about Brad's recent injury...though that has been hard to live with.

And it's not about my dad's recent heart attack...though the fear and anxiety surrounding that was almost too much for me to bear.

Today it's about Baby Myles...and his incredible family...and my dear friend, Christina, my sister in Christ.

What she and her husband have been through in the last 6 days...and what they will be going through in the upcoming days...

is almost too painful for me to write about.

But I am taking comfort that even though I can no longer form words to express what I feel and what I desire for this family to my Heavenly Father, I know the Spirit is speaking and groaning on my behalf.

So I will continue to pray...and cry out to the Great Physician to heal Myles' body and bring peace and comfort to his family.

For today...nothing else matters.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Like father, like son

My husband loves trains.

He really, really does.

He has this uncanny ability to know where all the train tracks (both the main lines and abandoned ones) are at all times on every, and I mean every, road trip we've ever taken.

And just in case you don't believe me or need further proof...

Have you ever been taken on a date to explore trains...you know, places that post signs that say, "No trespassing or violators will be prosecuted"?

I have.

Or has your husband driven out of your way on a road trip to explore train yards in other (4 that I can remember off hand) states?

Mine has.

Does your husband spend some of his free time taking pictures of train tracks?

Mine does.

Now that you've learned a bit about my wonderful, train obsessed husband...

meet Caleb:

Apple doesn't fall far from the tree, does it?

Caleb loves to go chasing after and exploring trains.

So on some Fridays...or any other time Brad hears a train whistle...the boys jump into our car and seek after adventure.

This place is somewhere Brad bikes to near our house. He often goes there during his Sabbath time. He's taken Caleb there once or twice.

And me...on one of our last date nights.


You really shouldn't be by now.

What can I say?

Some things are just genetic.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

My act of worship

I was browsing through this new blog I found called Passionate Homemaking the other day, and I felt such a kinship with Lindsay.

I have been overwhelmed by my "job" these last few weeks. It seems like it's harder and harder to keep up with my daily chores and weekly schedule. Most days I fall into bed exhausted either with feelings of regret over things I didn't get done or with feelings of anxiety thinking about all that needed to be done the next day or in the days to come.

This, my friends, is no way to live.

And while I do need to rethink my days, plan better, and get up earlier, what I need most is an overhaul in my heart.

I know we moms need to have a break. I know that we need help around the house or with the kids sometimes. We all need time to relax and get refreshed.

But motherhood is our job. A 24 hour job. A job we will (literally) have for the rest of our lives.

And it's a joy. A privilege. A blessing.

And one I often take for granted.

God has been moving quite a bit in my life lately...and merging all sorts of things together.

He's really cool that way.

I've been convicted over my sin of pride and my desire for comfort as I've been studying Isaiah at Bible Study Fellowship.

God has brought to mind some habitual sins that needed to be dealt with in Beth Moore's Breaking Free study.

And in One with a Shepherd, a book I'm reading with the other pastor's wives, I'm convicted by Mary Moffat, a pioneer missionary to South Africa, who, after wrestling with all she had given up at home to live halfway around the world serving in a mission station, said, "If I may be a hewer of wood and a drawer of water in the temple of my God, am I not still blessed and privileged?"

My daily work is hard. Actually, never ending.

But I should not be spending my days complaining about it. I should not be demanding some time away from my husband and children. I should not be throwing pity parties for myself in the company of other moms.

Everything I do is an act of worship to my King.

Every dish I wash...
shirt I fold...
cloth diaper I scrub...
poopy bottom I wipe...
time out or spanking I give...
spit up spot I clean...
song I sing...
kiss I give...
Memory game I play...
story I tell...
meal I cook...
tickle I give...
floor I sweep...
errand I run...
shoe I tie...
train track I build...
toy I put away...
child I tuck in at night...

Everything I do is an act of worship.

I know that what I do is not meaningless...well, except for alphabetizing my spice cabinet...which is certainly not important to some people but quite efficient nonetheless...


God sees everything, and my work on behalf of my husband, family and home do not go unnoticed.

And, in light of all He has done for me...

I think it's quite reasonable.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Embracing today

"But seek first His kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be given to you as well. Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." - Matthew 6:33-34

I've been thinking a lot about these verses lately.

I love these verses. I think they are so important that I've committed them to memory. I believe they are so fundamental to a person's life that I sign almost every students' graduation cards with their reference.

But, in the last month or so, I've had to make a choice.

Do I believe, really believe these words? Do I live like these are words of life...words of truth? Does how I live tell those around me that I have applied these verses to my daily life?

Each morning, as of late, I've had to decide whether I was going to live my life holding tightly to these words or....not.

Brad and I had to let go of something that was more important to us than we thought. And, we had to align our emotions with God's truth. We've been doing some grieving and dealing with some disappointment and frustration.

We've had to rely fully on...put our entire weight upon...the Lord.

Fear, worry, and anxiety are crippling. They are nasty and destructive. They cloud judgement. They make things appear not as they truly are.

Bottom line: They are liars.

They lie about Who is in control. They lie about God's character. They lie about God's love and care for me.

And, at times in the last month, I've wondered about God's love and care for me.

I can honestly say...today and at this late hour...that I am confident that God is sovereign, and that He has something else wonderful planned.

But I'm learning that even though I fully BELIEVE in God's sovereignty, I'm still living parts of my days as if I don't. My mind drifts back to the hurt and disappointment I felt...and worries about what the future holds.

But God is so good. He's so good that He gave me these words in the midst of this struggle.

"Rather than trying to maintain control over your life, abandon yourself to My will..."

"I want you to embrace all that I am doing in your life, finding your security in Me alone."

-- both quotes are taken from Jesus Calling

So, that's what I'm trying to do. I'm giving up control...and any dreams or plans I may have had. And I'm embracing what God has for me THIS day.

No more being swallowed by hurt or frustration. No more thinking about the days or uncertainty ahead.

Simply living and embracing today.

So, I will enjoy every conversation with our students. I will be thankful for the opportunity to sit under great Biblical teaching at BSF. I will praise God for my play dates and Thursday nights at Starbucks. I will be grateful for all the little messes my wonderful children make.

None of us know what tomorrow holds. And none of us know how God will use our past hurts for our good and His glory.

But He knows. And that's all I need to know.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

You're welcome!

Just in case any of you were needing a cute, baby-girl Hannah fix...

"Have hair brush and know how to use it!"

This face is a better pick-me-up than any Caribou coffee.

Do anyone else's children sleep like this or is this just an Aust child thing?

Chilling with me while I cook. Don't worry, she won't tip over!

And, just in case you were still wondering who is the cutest 5 month old around...

Yup, that's what I thought!

No need to thank me. You are most certainly welcome!

Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just a typical summer day with dad

This is what happens...

when I tell Brad...

to go outside and play with the kids.

Pretty sure this is why Sammy and Caleb think daddy is way cooler than mommy.

Wednesday, September 08, 2010

Truths from my pal, Job

I have Job on the brain.

For about the last two months, I've been reading and studying the book of Job on Fridays during my Sabbath Rest.

I have NO IDEA why I started to read Job on July 16...but God did. And I am so thankful! (More on that near the end of my ramblings...)

Even though I've read Job a couple of times in my life, this was the first time I was reading it, really reading it, word for word.

And I've been captivated.

I've been caught up in Job's life. I feel like I was there with him...like a fly on the wall...watching the events unfold...crying alongside him...rolling my eyes at the ridiculous advice of his so-called friends...and being reminded, yet again, of some absolute truths...

"The Lord gives and the Lord takes away." (Job 1:21)

"The name of the Lord will be praised." (Job 1:21)

"Resentment kills a fool." (Job 5:2a)

"Our days on earth are but a shadow." (Job 8:9b)

The thing I love most about the book of Job is that it teaches a proper theology of who God is and who man is.

God is God.

I am not God.

God's rule is right.

God has a right to rule.

Nothing in God's economy is wasted.

Job understood who God was...and that he was but a mortal man. He did not cling to the things his friends said, but he held tightly to the character of God...to God's never-ending love...and to the fact that some day he would be found innocent of any sin that could have caused his trials.

"Though He slay me, yet will I hope in Him." (Job 13:15)

As I've read further, he also spent a great deal of time "fixing" his friends' improper views of God. He told them that God doesn't promise happiness (Job 11:13-20)...that God can't be manipulated and that He knows our motives (Job 13:1-12)...that (not all) bad things that happen are a direct result of sin. He even prayed for his friends near the end of the book...

...even after all the grief and pain they have caused him.


And, somehow, in my first readings of this book, I missed one of the most beautiful verses...one that is so telling of the character of Job.

"I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end He will stand upon the earth." (Job 19:25)


I am so thankful for what I've learned from Job, but I am even more grateful of its timing.

The last week or so has been a rough one for me and Brad. There was something we had placed "our hope" in that was "taken away." We questioned God's plan. We brought our frustrations, hurts, and broken dreams to Him. We cried out about how "unfair" things were. We wondered how this would work for our good.

Ummm....sound familiar?

God was so faithful to begin to soften my heart towards His ways through my study of Job. So many of Job's words filled my mind over the last week. And I can go on and on about all that He has taught me during my Thursday night Bible studies that have also prepared me for this very time.

And again, my breath is taken away, and all I can say is...



I CAN confidently say...

Everything is for God's glory and my good.

Praise God!

Monday, August 30, 2010

I miss me.

As I write, there is a sweet baby girl jabbering beside me.

A cute 1 year old boy sleeping in a pack-n-play in my bedroom.

Another handsome 3 year old boy is out cold in his bunk bed...dreaming about trucks, dirt, and trains...

An imaginative 4 year old girl is currently having a tea party with her 8 year old friend...and they are asking so very politely for 2 more cookies.

The house? A disaster.

This is my life at this very moment in time.

And I've been fighting it...not enjoying it...wishing it away.

Even now, feeling like I have 5 children under control for the moment, I am struggling with truly living in this craziness...abundantly living and enjoying the sweetness of this brief time in my life.

Maybe I'm just tired.

I'm tired of Hannah waking up at 4:00 a.m for yet another feeding. Really? Apparently she forgot she could sleep through the night. Might be time for a bit more rice cereal...

I'm tired of putting Brad, his job, and some extra stuff he's working on ahead of my needs...

I'm tired of trying harder to parent...reading books and being intentional more...

I'm tired of what lack of sleep and busyness does to me...

I'm tired of seeing the extra weight on my body due to 3 pregnancies...

At a ladies function last week, a friend at my table shared with us a conversation she had with a young mom. She asked her what she missed most about her life since becoming a mother. She said...


Yes! That's it! I miss ME!

I miss scrapbooking with friends. I miss having time to blog regularly. I miss going for runs. I miss getting a full night's sleep. I miss being spontaneous with Brad. I miss what life was like 1 year ago before Brad shifted into a new role at work.

And I'm just sad about it.

But, a sweet baby girl calls my attention. She is longing to be held and talked to. So I will whisk her away, read her Goodnight Moon, sing her "Jesus Loves Me" and place her in her crib. Then I will tackle the dishes, help the girls clean up their tea party, and maybe even think about supper.

Because, while I want to be real with how I feel, I know that my feelings DO NOT dictate reality.

I do know that I will have some time (some day) to scrapbook, and that playing trains with Caleb is more important than blogging, and that my messy house is proof of children's play.

And as I hear Sammy erupt into giggles and see Hannah's quite chubby smiling face...

I know it's all worth it...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Catching up...round 1 (with the Wiese cousins)

Some time ago...well, like almost 2 months ago, Brad and I drove to Fargo to hang out with my parents and see my brother and his kids. It was a long day, but was well worth the 5 hour round trip to see everyone and hang out together.

Nikki, my sister-in-law, heard about this thing going on at one of the area parks. When we got there, several huge inflatables were scattered throughout the park....all FREE! This was my kind of park! There were also a bunch of other games and craft tables set up at various spots. Sammy had an absolute BLAST playing with her cousins, especially 10 year old Beth. Those two were pretty inseparable.

They climbed up and down for quite awhile.

Caleb was not interested in the big blow-ups...he had a one track mind.


Even if something isn't technically a train, but looks and sounds sorta like one, my son is sold!

Sammy wasn't too far behind.

Even though they were pulled by a garden tractor, it was pretty creative! The kiddos didn't seem to mind!

Despite being much older (7,10, and 13), the Wiese cousins really love my kids. They are willing to play with them and help them when they need it.

My nephew and nieces are such a blessing!

Just for kicks and giggles...

It really doesn't get any funnier than this!

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

A future Olympian?

Brad and I have been doing youth ministry for awhile now. One thing we talked about early in our marriage was how we were not going to get over committed and get our kids in every activity. We saw the effect that too many activities had on families and in the lives of our students.

Once we started having children, we talked again about extracurricular activities and decided our children were not going to be in something every night of the week.

It's been pretty easy, up to now, to keep that commitment. But the older our kids get, the more pressure we I feel to get them into swimming lessons, dance, gymnastics, t-ball, etc...

I mean, all my friends have their kids in activities...

Even though I know the age old saying...

"if your friends jumped off a cliff, would you?"

...it's still hard to listen (and see pictures on facebook and blogs) and not let it sway me.

Then add the fact that I know Sammy would absolutely LOVE doing these things, and I'm all mixed up inside.

So after reading the Brainerd Lakes Summer Community Education booklet this past spring, Brad and I again revisited this discussion.

As a side note, Brad and I take FOREVER to make a decision. We think about EVERY possible angle of the situation...from how much time, money, and energy it will take to how it will ultimately shape our children.

Yes people, we're a little strange that way...

But it's a big deal. Our ministry schedules are busy enough...is it really wise to add something else?

Anyway, we've decided that swimming lessons are non-negotiable. We are living in the land of 10,000 lakes for heaven's sakes, and swimming is a survival skill. The rest...well, not so much.

So after much debate...and I mean much debate, I signed Sammy up for a 3 week (6 class) gymnastics class.

And I really am so glad I did!

She LOVED it, and really learned quite a bit in a short time.

She's adventurous and a bit of a dare devil, so doing some of the stunts and techniques were right up her alley. She soon was doing a lot of moves on the apparatuses by herself.

I'm pretty sure she was obsessed with the chalk. Who wouldn't be?

I couldn't believe what they were teaching the 3-6 year olds...especially on the uneven bars. Sammy now loves doing pull-ups.

The teachers were students and coaches from Brainerd High. They did a really great job with the kids.

The one bummer was that class was at 2:30. I mean, really? That's nap time people! What was I going to do with Caleb?

He was actually a gem! Give that kid a couple of CARS cars...thanks to Grandma Aust...and he's a really good kid!

Another thing that I will continue to do...if/when Sammy is in another activity, is to do with with a friend. Not only did Sammy have a little friend to do all the cool stuff with, but I also was able to hang out with a girlfriend during their 45 minute class. So Amy and I were able to chat...and keep our eyes on our other 4 children...and Izzy and Sammy got to "play" together.

Aren't they cute!

So whatcha think? Does she have a future as an Olympian?

Probably not, but I am glad we made the decision to let her do this. Watching your children take such delight in something so simple is really a joy. And while we're not signing her up for fall...and winter...and spring gymnastics, it was a great experience that I hope we will do again in the future.

Monday, August 09, 2010


I spent a great deal of time last Friday during my Sabbath thinking and meditating on self-control.

Or, perhaps, better put...my lack of self-control.

It's been one of my biggest struggles lately. And it appears in almost every area of my life.

I have very little self-control...

in regards to my eating habits.
in getting to bed on time.
in getting out of bed in the morning.
in checking facebook.
in doing my work in my home before relaxing.
in not procrastinating.
in the disciplining of my children...especially doing it in anger.
in keeping my tongue in check.

As I read my Sabbath journal from the past several weeks (and months), I've realized I have spent many hours confessing sins that were related to my lack of self-control...and many hours putting together lists and plans for how I was going to structure my day so that I wouldn't need so much self-control...and many hours writing out Scripture passages having to do with self-control.

But, there's been something missing.

Something really big missing.

I haven't really asked for help from God to help overcome this area.

In my Titus 2 ministry this past year, we read an excellent book by Carolyn Mahaney called Feminine Appeal. In her book, she discusses in detail seven virtues of a Godly wife and mother. It is a great book...a must read for women of all ages. As I was re-reading her chapter on self-control, several things struck me.

First of all, I am human and I'm going to fail. But I don't have to remain in that defeated position. God requires that we exercise self-control...so therefore it is attainable. We can conquer this area in our lives. It does require much effort, but we must rely on the Holy Spirit to lead and convict us.

Bottom line...this cannot be done in our own strength.

Yup, pretty sure I've been trying to overcome this thing in my own power.

Charles Bridges said, "Have not repeated defeats taught us the need of calling in better strength than our own?"

It apparently takes some of us a bit longer than others to grasp this concept.

I have been caught in a crazy cycle. I try to muster and create self-control on my own. I take a deep breath, make a plan, try harder in my own power...only to find that I have failed again.

Why don't I believe the words of Christ in John 15:5? "Apart from me you can do nothing."

It's not about trying harder. It's about letting go of my sin and realizing I can't do it apart from Christ.

Self-control is HUGE in my life right now. It is my wall of defense against the enemy of my soul.

Proverbs 25:28 says, "A man without self-control is like a city broken into and left without walls."

Self-control protects me and my heart from all sorts of attacks on my heart.

When I overeat, overreact to my children, put off work in my home, or any other area, I hear words of failure from the author of lies. And once those feelings of despair hit, it's even harder to muster up self-control on my own to change my ways. One caramel bar leads to 2 or 3. A few minutes on facebook leads to 15 or 30 minutes. Laundry remains in baskets throughout my house. I yell at my kids, then quickly apologize...but find myself getting frustrated even faster the next time.

I haven't had much protection in my life and my soul has not been well guarded.

So while the changes and plans I've written out will be a great help to me in organizing my day's work and prioritizing my daily activities, my plan will eventually fail unless I have God's strength in overcoming this great obstacle.

Tonight, I am heading to bed early so that I can get up early and spend some time with my God. And before I get out of bed, I will be praying for self-control and calling on His limitless power to help me in this area.

Because even though I like sin and I like sleep and I like eating and I like wasting time on facebook...

I love my God and His truth even more...

Thursday, July 29, 2010

New tricks for summer boredom

I love the summer. Especially in Minnesota...where right now it is 73 degrees with low humidity and a slight breeze...ahhhhh!

I love having a break from all the activities...youth group, BSF, Tapestry, etc...that fill our days during the school year. Summer days bring a pleasant change and are relaxing, warm, and laid back.

But even with all the company we've recently had, play dates with friends, and weekly errands, the days sometimes get long and the kiddos (especially Sammy during Hannah and Caleb's afternoon naps) get bored.

So I decided to organize all of Sammy's "school" activities and other crafts/activities and write them on some popsicle sticks and arrange them in this cute mug. If she can't think of anything to do or is bored while the younger kiddos nap, she chooses 1 stick with a blue dot and 3 sticks with a purple dot. The ones with blue dots are activities she does with me and the purple ones are activities she can do by herself. I have gradually added ideas/activities, and now she has about 25-30 to choose from.

Her whining and boredom have greatly decreased, and the amount of work I get done during naps has increased! Plus she is so eager to try something new or something she hasn't done in awhile. Her favorite activities have been writing cards/letters to friends and neighbors and doing some different manipulatives.

I also found that some days when I've been stressed out because of my insanely long to-do list, I've let the kids watch way too much PBS Kids. I've also noticed that I am spending a lot of time cleaning up after them. So I stole this idea from a friend and then tweeked it a bit for our home. This is Sammy and Caleb's "chore charts."

The kids both have chores every morning, lunchtime and in the evening. They are responsible for making their beds, getting dressed, brushing their teeth, getting their bowls/cups/plates for each meal, picking up their toys, etc. If/when they complete their morning chores, then...and only then...can they watch 1/2 hour of PBS Kids. Some days I'm not as good at reminding them, but they do seem eager to move their little magnet pictures to the right spots.

They are beginning to realize that they have responsibilities around the home as a member of our family. Plus, I have lightened my load a bit as well. And I'm teaching them that work comes first, then fun. It's a win-win for them and me!

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Our crazy Twin Cities adventure

My good friend, Gianna and I have been pregnant at the same time for all three of my pregnancies and 3 out of her 4. For Sammy and Caleb, we only overlapped about 2 months. But our last pregnancy, our due dates were just 2 weeks apart. We complained, whined, and cried together over the past year. We called one another countless times to complain or share the latest news about the little lives growing inside of us. We've been trying to figure out a time to get together, but even though we only live 2 hours from one another, it's been hard to find the time to meet up this summer.

But my husband recently provided us with a great excuse to head down to the Cities. You can read all about it (and the other crazy happenings) in Gianna's blog post entitled, "Series of Unfortunate Events."

Usually when we all get together, some sort of catastrophe always seems to happen. There have been trips to the ER, food poisoning, and kids getting sick. This trip lived up to all the others. Now, while no one has reported getting sick, we did have several things that will make it a night to remember. There were three bee stings, people were stuck in some serious traffic AND a horrible storm, and 16 people...including 10 children 6 and under...were confined in a hot and sticky basement when the power went out.

See, I told you this trip would live up to the rest!

The purpose of this little trip was not to give us another great story...even though I'm glad to add another crazy adventure to the memory book...but it was to introduce my sweet baby girl to her future mate friend. Gianna's little guy was born 2 weeks before Hannah, and is a good looking boy...even if this picture does NOT show the extent of his cuteness.

Brad and I were planning on swinging by a few friends' houses throughout the day, but Gianna had the great idea of throwing a little party so all of us, and our beautiful children, could spend the night eating, playing, and hanging out together.

And between being stuck in traffic and stung by bees and stuck in the basement with no power, we did a lot of eating, playing, and hanging out.

Even though the kids weren't able to play in the tree house or the pool...due to the "friendly" bees, they still had a ton of fun!

The swing was a popular attraction!

I LOVE this picture of Gianna's oldest daughter!

I also love that Sammy thought the trip to the Cities was all about her seeing her friends.

I just didn't have the heart to break it to her!

The boys, who were greatly outnumbered, spent the evening fighting over playing with the cars and bikes.

Megan's son, Noah, really melts my heart, and this picture can tell you a lot about him. He is adorable, fun, and quite dangerous at times...which has, from time to time, resulted in a trip to the ER.

And, of course, our husbands were simply being themselves. They were making silly faces and yelling at the Yankees game that was on in the TV in the garage.

Oh, and they were eating as well and watching the "wee ones" play.

And while these lovely girls were playing so sweetly and quietly in Gianna's basement, my son was doing this...

Yup, that little guy belongs to me. I'm so blessed! Again, this is why God gave me two daughters and only ONE Caleb...He knew I couldn't handle another boy!

I am so blessed to call these women my dear friends. My friendships with them really blossomed about 8 years ago, but for several of us, we go as far back as the fall of 1995 when Gianna and I were freshman at Northwestern.

15 years! I still can't believe I'm that old!

Lord, your gift of these dear friends sometimes takes my breath away. You have been so good to continue to grow our friendships. You have done AMAZING work in all of our lives. Thank you!

And I can't wait for the next crazy adventure with these wonderful friends!