Friday, November 19, 2010

Nothing else matters...

My heart is aching today.

The last three weeks have been some of the very hardest of my entire life.

So much has fallen to the way-side due to the incredible emotional roller coaster of the last 21 days.

Every day I've fought the temptation to complain and grumble about the whirlwind, fear, anxiety, and pain around me.

But it's not about me.

Especially today.

And it's not about Brad's recent injury...though that has been hard to live with.

And it's not about my dad's recent heart attack...though the fear and anxiety surrounding that was almost too much for me to bear.

Today it's about Baby Myles...and his incredible family...and my dear friend, Christina, my sister in Christ.

What she and her husband have been through in the last 6 days...and what they will be going through in the upcoming days...

is almost too painful for me to write about.

But I am taking comfort that even though I can no longer form words to express what I feel and what I desire for this family to my Heavenly Father, I know the Spirit is speaking and groaning on my behalf.

So I will continue to pray...and cry out to the Great Physician to heal Myles' body and bring peace and comfort to his family.

For today...nothing else matters.


Amber said...

A resounding "I feel the same way" sits in my chest today friend.
I have not ceased with prayers all day, and I my thoughts are really on them constantly. God is in control, as we always know, but I'm out of things to pray, how to pray and what to say. I join you here friend.

Betty Aust said...

What an adorable baby! My prayers & thoughts have been with you & Brad, & Christina, her husband, the family & this precious, sweet baby! God is merciful & loving & yes, in control. I'll continue to pray for a miracle & blessing! It's certainly hard to understand. How precious is life!