Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Christmas 2006...a year of blessings!

Brad and I recently went to see the movie "The Pursuit of Happyness." It was 118 minutes of sadness and 2 minutes of complete joy.

(Now, let me lay out a disclaimer. Brad and I are not movie people, so we are a bit more critical...and opinionated...about the movies we see. The comments you read here may not accurately describe the film.)

Anyway, it was completely worth seeing, but it was a very emotionally draining movie for me to watch. But when it was over, I was so grateful that I had a home and a car and money in the bank.

Sometimes this time of year becomes more and more about the presents and the Christmas parties and the family get-togethers and less about giving and thanksgiving and stopping to ponder the incredible blessings in each of our lives. And now, as a parent, I have to figure out a way to make sure Samantha learns about the true meaning of this season...and to not bombard her (or let Grandma and Papa bombard her) with presents and toys.

This year is one we are especially thankful for. Brad has survived his first 5 months of running Lakewood's youth ministry program...with the help of his great ministry assistants and many volunteers. I have settled into a really nice routine at home and an enjoying it more and more...and missing teaching less and less. And, the greatest news of all, we learned we are expecting another child on July 13, 2007! I am almost 11 weeks pregnant, and am feeling pretty good...but that could change at any moment!

I love Christmas! I love Christmas music and making cookies for our neighbors! I love the lights on our Christmas tree and the light layer of snow (that used to be) outside our windows! But, as I feel my belly and think of holding another child, I immediately think of Mary…a very young mother who had one of the hardest and greatest blessings of all time… I am in awe of who she was and what courage she had. I do not want to put her on a pedestal, for Christ is the center of Christmas, but I don’t want to overlook her as well. She was obedient, brave, and not afraid of what other people thought. She had been called by the great I AM, and nothing would stop her from fulfilling that very special call on her life.

My prayer is that we all would long to be like Mary. To long to have an overwhelming obstacle in our lives and be completely obedient to engage it. To long to hear God’s voice of direction and whole-heartedly follow it. To long to believe that God can be truly trusted in all areas of our lives. And, like Mary, to long to see great miracles done in our lives.

For God is truly an awesome God and worthy to be praised!


gianna said...

I think about Mary too being the mother of our Lord! And she didn't have a crib or clothes to dress him in. I think of what a blessing Brin has been but think of the pressure of raising her compared to the pressure of raising GOD!

gianna said...

By the way, Jenny! You look AWESOME in the picture of your family!

Anonymous said...

I've found a great way to teach my nephew about giving and the meaning of Christmas. First, there is an amazing book called "The ADVENTure of Christmas" by Lisa Whelchel(yes, I typed that correctly). It's a great book that explains the spiritual reasons behind many of our Christmas traditions. It gives craft ideas and ways to share the message with your children.
To teach Sheldon about giving, I created a little family tradition. Each year, after Thanksgiving (and again before his birthday in August), he and I go through his toys. We talk about all the children who don't have any toys and the importance of sharing and giving. HE gets to decide which toys he wants to keep and which ones he no longer plays with and wants to give away. Then I take him to a local shelter or toy drive and He gets to give his toys to kids who need them more (instead of me doing it). We started this tradition when he was two and a half, and it works great. He even, randomly, gives a toy to me or my sister to "give to dem kids that don't got none" when he gets bored with it. We also do the "Angle Tree" each year. It lets you buy gifts for children who have a parent in prison.
Last year, we threw a "Birthday Party for Jesus". He got to invite some of his friends over for cake, icecream, and stories about Jesus' birth. It was tons of fun! I love you and have a Blessed and Merry Christmas

Jenny Aust said...

Thanks Gianna! My fellow MOPS mothers say it's the glow of being pregnant! Also, the day before I found out I was pregnant with Baby #2, I realized I had finally lost the 30 pounds I gained with Sammy, plus 3 extra pounds. But my joy was quickly deflated as I thought about another weight gain! Oh well, I guess it's worth it!

Jenny Aust said...

Thanks Mel! Great ideas as always. Every year we do Operation Christmas Child, and this year Sammy (literally) helped us pick out the toys, stuffed animals, hair ties, etc. for our child. It was great fun!