One of my biggest concerns and causes of anxiety in my life the last 5-6 months has been potty-training. I had been dreading it, avoiding it, feeling badly about NOT beginning it, and hopelessly unsuccessful when I did try it. It was something someone was ALWAYS asking me about, "so, is Sammy potty-trained yet?" and "when do you think you'll start potty-training her...she is almost 3." I really wanted to do it and felt like she was ready, but I just wasn't ready to do it.
I did have some really good excuses. Sammy had a nervous and mental breakdown when we tried potty-training her this past spring. She cried and cried and stayed on the toilet ALL DAY, even during nap time, because she didn't want to have an accident and get the floor messy. That experience scarred all of us. Then there were missions trips and camps and company for 2 weeks and our Colorado vacation get the picture.
Finally, about a week and a half ago, I decided this was it! I was done with just "kinda" potty training. I was done with trying to train her while she was still in diapers. I was committed to doing it! I was going to put EVERYTHING on hold (grad school, laundry, playing with Caleb, leaving the house) to focus on training her. And, I was taking away the diapers FOR GOOD! So Brad and I decided to let her run around the house (only on the wood floors, of course) in only a shirt and socks. She had one major accident and really didn't like it. After that one time, she has only had one other accident! This has included going pee-pee AND poopy and using the toilet in the nursery, MOPS, other people's homes, and during nap time and night time! We do still put her in a pull-up at night, but at least every other night she wakes me up in the middle of the night to go potty.
I have just been SOARING the last week as I've watched her become more independent and successful with each passing day. I'd like to take some credit for her very quick success, but it really has been ALL Sammy. Sure, Brad and I were there to cheer for her and give her hugs (and M&M's), but she was simply ready to set the diapers aside. She really does seem all grown up!