Wednesday, June 08, 2011

Youth workers retreat 2011

There are many events that are highly anticipated by our children.

Driving through the night to visit family.

Play dates with friends.

Having lunch at Taco Bell.

Going to Grandma and Papa's house.

Date nights with Daddy.

Seriously, I'm not kidding about the Taco Bell one...

But the one most anticipated each year is our church district youth workers retreat at Camp Shamineau in May.

Since the kids were old enough to remember, we've been going to camp and taking part in some of their favorite activities. (More about those in a minute.)

This weekend is a wonderful time to connect with other youth pastors and their wives as well as rest, share, encourage and uphold one another in prayer. For many of us, this is the only time we get to see each other face to face.

Our kids don't really know how soothing and refreshing this time is to our souls. We had many late night conversations with dear friends about their church experiences, seminary options, family hardships and others. Several of the wives stayed up very late the second evening to pray for our husbands and our marriages. It was a very, very sweet time.

But Sammy and Caleb still think going to camp is all about them...

Going to their special classes...playing on the tire swing...walking through the woods to get to the mess hall...

Little do they know that this weekend is really for us!

But we'll keep that secret to ourselves!

So, why do they love Camp Shamineau so much?

Maybe it's the pony rides on their favorite horse named Zach.

And yes, it was my children who would let every other horse go by and wait patiently for a turn on Zach.

It wasn't all about riding the horses, though. Caleb just loved hanging out at the horse barn...doing, you know...typical Caleb stuff.

While Sammy was waiting for her 9th or 10th or whatever number turn on Zach, Caleb also made several "roads" in the sand with his hands.

Just give this kid some dirt, and he will be entertained for hours!

Then it was off to make some "campfire donuts" and check out the nature center.

If you know my oldest, you are quite aware that she doesn't fear a whole lot. She sees every new situation as a challenge waiting to be tackled.

It was the same with this boa constrictor.

Well, that is until he started squirming into her coat pocket.

"Mommy, I did NOT like that ONE bit!"

At least, I think those were her exact words.

We decided to move onto other less squirmy animals.

Ahhhh! Much better!

I was surprised at how well Caleb did at holding the animals.

Even though he did a great job, I don't think he's ready for a pet any time soon.

Or maybe, I don't think any pet is ready for my Caleb.

Then it was off to play a little floor hockey with daddy.

Does Caleb not have the stance to be a real hockey player?

He was a natural.

But don't get any ideas, Caleb! Even though you were born in Minnesota, you cannot play the "never ending" and "money sucking" sport.

So sorry, Caleb!

Oh, and where was Hannah during all this fun? Most of the time she was in this position.

Just chilling and hanging out on my back. The rest of the time she was napping while we were galavanting around camp.

It's a bummer sometimes being the 3rd child!

Brad and I are so privileged to serve in a wonderful EFCA district. We have served along side some wonderful youth pastors and wives the last 7 years. Many have been serving longer than us. Some have moved on, but many have stayed. We realized this year that we are becoming some of the "veterans" of the group. There were many younger couples with smaller children who were fresh to ministry. Even though this year may have been our last time at the youth workers retreat, I know that God will continue to be glorified and these men and women will keep on being faithful to the teaching of His Word to a younger generation.

1 comment:

Betty Aust said...

Goodness, is Samantha a brave girl! I wouldn't touch that snake!!! Both of them getting on a big horse is brave also. Now the hockey, he does have the stance, but time will tell. It is never ending & costly I'm sure. It is really neat that you all could go to this camp for many years. Dick & I never had anything like this to go to with our boys. What a blessing not only for the kids, but you & Brad especially!