Thursday, July 14, 2016

July update

In the fall of 2011, before Brad was accepted into Bethlehem College and Seminary, a friend told me something that struck me.  She said, "I think seminary is going to change you more than Brad." She knew that Brad would love the rich study of God's Word and the amazing classes and living life with these wonderful small group of men.

And she also knew me.

I like planning.  I like schedules.  I like making goals.  I like being organized.  And oh, I LOVE my 6-12 month plan.

I was, after all, a teacher for 6 years and LOVED the unit planning and curriculum design side of teaching.

But in plans and schedules and agendas went out the window. There were times I had no idea how things would get done, how bills would be paid, when the next time I would get around to washing everyone's bed sheets, or what in the world I was going to make for dinner.

There were many times that a dear friend would say to me, "just do the next thing."

That was all I could do.

Because of that, I have had a greater dependency on God to be sufficient for each day. I have had to let go of my pretty organizer and have learned to live one day at a time.  And that lesson has come in very handy this last month!

Now, we find ourselves in July and the future is still unsure.  And we find ourselves living one day at a time.

There is much more unknown then there is known, but I will share with you what we DO know!

One of the churches we interviewed with last month has chosen Brad as their candidate, and Brad and I will be driving to meet with the elders tomorrow morning to ask further questions before we decide whether or not to accept their invitation to candidate.  Then on Saturday our whole family will attend an outreach event at a different church during their town's community days.  We will be spending some time getting to know this congregation and the community and will be attending their worship service on Sunday morning.  Later this month, this same church has asked Brad to meet again with their elders on July 30 and preach on July 31.

While we continue to get to know these churches, their pastors and leadership better, we will continue to get our house ready to get on the market and will enjoy every day we get to have with dear friends and neighbors here in Brooklyn Center.

When people ask us what's next for us, I have become content with responding, "we don't know, but God knows and that's all I need to know."

Please continue to pray for God to give us wisdom, to make clear our path, and to calm our hearts when the road ahead still seems unknown.

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