Wednesday, July 11, 2007


On July 10, at 5:20 p.m. Caleb John entered this world and our family. Our little family of three has now become four. Giving birth is the hardest thing I have ever done in my entire life, but also the most wonderful and miraculous.

This labor and delivery was much different from Sammy's. Yesterday I decided to be induced by the doctor who delivered Sammy. I felt extremely comfortable with him, and he totally knew my previous delivery situation. He broke my water at 11:00, and allowed me to try and get contractions going on my own for awhile. Eventually he started me on pitocin, and after a couple of hours of no contractions (and a couple of games of Settlers of Catan on Brad's laptop...both of which Brad won...not that I'm bitter or anything) at 2:30 contractions jumped into full gear and were 2 minutes apart. By 4:00 I was dilated to a 6 or 7 and the pain was pretty's funny how easily we women forget how evil (but necessary) contractions are...and I asked for God's gift straight from heaven...a para cervical block. That’s one big needle directly into my cervix and instantaneous relief for 1 - 1 1/2 hours and freedom to move around. AHHHHHH! By 5:10, the medicine began to wear off, and I had a huge urge to push. My nurse Amy said to go ahead and push once, and Caleb began coming out. She immediately told me to stop, and she called the doctor. Three pushes later, Caleb was out. I'm still shocked by how quickly he came.

I have always been a firm believer in prayer. But yesterday I really, personally felt it. I know that many people were praying for a quick delivery and for him to be small (he was still 8 pounds and 1 ounce) and for me to be able to give birth vaginally. It couldn't have gone more smoothly.

Did I have a great doctor? Yes. Were my nurses amazing? Absolutely. Did my body eventually do exactly what it's designed to do? Yup. But what is pressed on my mind and heart today is that God is a personal God who hears our prayers and desires the best for us. He had the entire situation in His hands, and He's the one ultimately in control...not me, not my doctor, not Caleb or anyone or anything else.

And I'm so glad He is!


gianna said...

I'm so glad that God is in control. I'm so glad that this experience was even BETTER than Sammy's (and I know how much you were in awe of Sammy's delivery)I miss you guys and can't wait to meet little Caleb!

Jenny Aust said...

Caleb is such a joy! He's a really good baby, and even though Sammy acts out sometimes when I'm nursing, she is very gentle and helpful with "baby baver". (Now if I can only teach her to actually say CALEB.)