Talk about frustrating!
My husband kept saying that I could live without blogging and facebook for a few days. But what he doesn't really know is that I actually use the Internet for paying bills, calculating how many tablespoons are a half cup, searching for recipes, emailing...and countless other things.
Anyway, I have a LOT to catch up on!
I had planned on posting these pictures before leaving for North Dakota...but, it didn't happen. Even though these pictures are almost a month old now, I just couldn't move on without sharing them.
Every year...well, like right about now...I really get tired of the cold and the foot and a half of snow outside. I want to be done with winter coats, hats, mittens, shoveling, and below zero temperatures. But I also want my kids to enjoy the snow and the cold. Even though I've done a poor job at taking them outside to play this past winter...due to freezing temps and my growing belly...we have had a couple really good days playing outside as a family.
These pics were taken after we got dumped yet again in early February.
Do you know that beach toys work GREAT for snow toys?
Just hand your kids a small shovel and a bucket...
and just see what the can do!
On this particular day, we decided not to venture out too far...even though it would have been fun to go sledding down a big hill. We decided that our driveway worked just fine.
Brad took the kids on some pretty fast rides...and my children LOVE fast rides!
Sammy also took a turn pulling Caleb.
We laughed a lot that morning.
Sometimes I wish I could bottle my kids' laughter...their childhood fun...their innocence and child likeness and pull it off the shelf on those future days when they will be 16 and trying to gain their independence from me and Brad...when we will be crying together over hurt feelings and betrayal by friends...when we will move them into their dorm room at college.
But since I can't, I will enjoy all the moments I have with my children...knowing that this time will soon be gone...