Tuesday, February 02, 2010

Stream of consciousness

I have a lot of things tonight that I want to blog about...but they are so muddled in my head that I can't keep them straight. So I'm stealing an idea from MckMama and am writing out the thoughts that come to mind at this late hour...

I am taking Sammy to the doctor tomorrow morning. She's been complaining about some various pains that I want to check out. She also has her swim lesson tomorrow at 10:00, and I really hope she can still go it...

Brad and I have been talking about whether we need to speak some truth into a friend's life...talking about having to show some really tough love. I've spent a great deal of time over the last few days thinking about it and praying that God would give me clear direction about what I should do or say...

I bought two books for some friends today. I just felt these friends needed these books. I haven't bought a spontaneous gift for someone like this in a long time.

It felt good...

I didn't get hardly anything done on my list today. Wet laundry is still in the washer and two more loads are waiting to be started. I did manage to clean our desk and update all our finances. We were $30 short in our cash account. Thought first it was Brad's mistake...sometimes he pays cash for something ministry related and then forgets to tell me. This time it was my mistake.

Had to eat some humble pie...

Caleb just woke up. It's midnight and Brad and I are still up and out in the living room. Who only knows why. Got to rock both my babies...baby girl in my belly and my baby boy...who is really not a baby anymore. Some nights I get really frustrated when he comes out of his room...for the 14th time...and needs just "one more Mommy hug, peasss!" Tonight, it was a joy to rock him for a few minutes and hold him close. I know I only have a few more years until he stops wanting Mommy hugs...

I'm really tired of feeling tired. And I am looking forward to the day when bending over and getting up off the floor after playing with the kids is not so much work! I am anxious for baby girl to come...but also I'm enjoying these last two months with only 2 children.

I'm eating terribly. I have a ton of salad and veggies in my fridge. But the leftover monkey bread and caramel bars were just too tempting.

I really should stop making baked goodies because I have no self-control right now...

I laughed tonight out loud as I read my friend, Jess's blog about her letter to her corn burner, and I almost started to cry after reading my friend, Beth's blog. I so want to be a funny writer and also a mother who takes advantage of every special moment with my child...no matter how late it may be.

It's now half past midnight. Most of my thoughts are now out of my head, my links are finally working, and I hope I can sleep now...


gianna said...

You don't have a lot on your mind at all! And as we always say to each other! GO TO BED!

Jess said...

Thanks for the link love!

I hope you slept well after you let those thoughts go.

Betty Aust said...

I'm sure you've heard the saying, "The faintest ink is better than the strongest memory. So write it down!" Well, blogging helps release the memory & helps it to relax! I good stress reliever! It also helps women fulfill their 10,000 words a day quota to say, tell, or write! I beg more women blog than men!