Friday, January 26, 2007

Pregnancy joys

I had been having a pretty blah week this week. I was extra tired from last weekend, I had a kind of rough time at MOPS, and I knew that Brad was AGAIN leaving for a youth retreat today.

But last night, around 7:30 p.m. I felt the baby move for the first time!

This pregnancy has been SO DIFFERENT than my last one. I've actually thrown up several times, had horrible constipation, heartburn, and indigestion, had headaches, a constant stuffy nose, and nose bleeds. These are all common symptoms that come along with being pregnant, but ones I had never experienced before. And I know they say "every pregnancy is different," but it really has been true for me.

I'm already 16 1/2 weeks and am ALREADY scheduling the ultrasound. It seems crazy how fast it has already flown by. And after hearing the baby's heartbeat a few weeks ago, and now having felt that little flutter (THREE TIMES) last night, it is becoming more and more real.

But it's sad that I haven't paid as much attention to this pregnancy as I did with Sammy's. I know I've got a toddler to chase around, but I want to really enjoy this...because I know there's a chance this might be my last one.

But for now, I am reveling in a good and safe pregnancy so far, a strong heartbeat, and the flutter of life inside me. What is happening in my womb is a miracle, plain and simple. It is something today that I want to sit back and meditate on. I want to spend a few moments in awe of what is truly happening to me...and not just take it for granted. I want to enjoy the fact that God blessed me enough to allow me to feel the joy and pains of motherhood.

And I want to make sure to praise the one who gave this gift to me: the great Creator and Life-giver.


gianna said...

I'm so glad you are making an effort to try to enjoy this pregnancy. If you can, try to remember that when you are super uncomfortable. And remember you may be due in July, but you could possibly have a June baby! Just look at Lydia!

Jenny Aust said...

I know! It is super exciting! I know our life is going to change dramatically again, so I'm enjoying every moment with just Sammy and me. But I can't wait to hold a baby again!