Saturday, June 16, 2007

My brother...

For the past two months, Brad and I have been INCREDIBLY busy with graduation open houses, youth group and small group activities, people visiting, etc. (Hence why I haven’t blogged in awhile!) We finally went on a date two days that I had been planning for over a month! Tomorrow Brad begins Missions: Brainerd, a local missions trip, and he'll be leading that until Thursday. Then my parents will be here that same day, and then two days later Andy and Jenn (new youth pastor and!) will be here. INSANE! Brad's going to try to fit in some comp (and vacation) days around the 4th of July, but then Baby Boy should be here shortly after that. I cannot wait until then! It will be SO NICE to have some days together as a family preparing for the baby and going on fun excursions in the area with Sammy.

But what I wanted to blog about was Memorial Day weekend. My parents were supposed to mom got VERY sick just days before and her doctor wouldn't let her travel. But my brother Jim, his three kids, his finance (YAHOO!) Nikki and her two daughters came for two days. We had such a great time with them! My relationship with my brother was really good in high school, but then became really rocky when I was in college and early married. But over the last two years, we’ve really come a long way. We’re talking much more, and actually asking brotherly/sisterly advice from one another. It’s been really wonderful connecting with him again.

And the greatest thing is not only having that type of relationship, but also seeing so much growth in his life. Last summer, he was an Air Force Captain, but chose to leave the military so that he could maintain full custody of his three kids. He gave up something he loved (and was good at) so that he could be a full-time parent. He’s now working his way through law school. (Yes, he’s insane.) He met a wonderful girl (Nikki) last fall, (who is also in school full-time) and I just think she’s great! He just recently proposed, and I couldn’t be happier for him.

While my brother’s family was here, we grilled out, hung out around the house, and went swimming. Sammy had such a great time being chased by her cousins! And even though it was crazy having six kids in the house, it was treasured time.

My prayer today is for Jim and Nikki. I pray that they will adjust to married life, the blending of two families, and full-time school and work. I pray that they would fully commit to their church, and grow together as a couple. And I pray that my brother and I would continue to grow our relationship as well.


gianna said...

all I have to say is, "OH MY GOODNESS! LOOK AT ALL THOSE KIDS!" Tell Brad he looks like a natural with 6 kids. Don't stop at 2! You should have AT LEAST 6!

Jenny Aust said...

You crack me up Gianna! Yes, Brad is AMAZING with all ages of kids. He never gets tired of playing with them. Now 6 kids...let me make it through labor and the first two months and I'll get back to you on that!

gianna said...

2nd is sooooo much better than 1st for your transition time. I bet it won't take you more than 5 to 6 weeks. plan for 2 months, but i bet you'll be feeling like normal (but tired) Jenny sooner!