Monday, February 26, 2007

Budget Obession

I confess. I'm obsessed about our budget. Ever since I became a stay-at-home mom, I have handled 98% of the cooking, cleaning, errands, and bills at our home. Even though sometimes I wish I could have a day off, I genuinely enjoy being a housewife. I love making sure every bill is paid on time and also making sure we never run out of toilet paper, dishwasher soap, diapers, etc.

But I'm realizing I'm an obsessor when it comes to our budget.

This year is by far the tightest for Brad and me. For the first 6 years of our marriage, I taught full time, and then for a little over a year, I was able to work part time. But we are solely relying on Brad's income for 2007, and even though we are so thankful for his job, it's still a scary thing.

I'm grateful that we are able to spend less than we make, and we are blessed to have money saved in case of an emergency. But other than that, there is no give in our budget. Daily I enter in receipts or pay a bill via EFT or through our credit card or just check to make sure we're not spending too much in one area. I do this every day...even if I don't need to pay a bill, write a check, or enter in a receipt.

I truly am an obsessive, control freak.

I've been thinking that maybe it's because I want something in my life I can control...since I really can't control my husband, daughter, the weather, my parents, the stock market, or anything else. Or maybe it's because I worry that we'll be able to provide for Sammy and the new baby. Maybe it's because I just like numbers...

I just don't know.

I do know that we do have all we need for this day. My daughter is growing so slowly that I doubt she'll need any new clothes soon...even though I'm tired of dressing her in the same 9-12 month clothes she's been wearing since October. Our couch has been a wonderful fort and jungle gym for her...even though as I'm becoming more pregnant I'm having a greater difficulty in getting out of it. Our cars are running well...even though I still wish from time to time that we had a mini-van. And there is plenty of food in our fridge...which gives me no reason to want to spend money eating out.

It's a good thing there's no "just because Jenny wants to" category in our budget or we'd really be in trouble.


gianna said...

You are funny! I do have to admit that I wonder if I'm not concerned enough when I hear you or some of our other friends talk about their budget. I am nervous, but I don't think I could do what you guys do. But I do admire your will power!

Jenny Aust said...

Each of us has our little quirks, and this is certainly one of mine.

Anonymous said...

I have to say I'm a control freak too. I think we all need to feel like we have control of something in our lives but really we dont have control over much. You just need to relax, because it sounds like your doing great and worring over something that you dont need to, plus it sounds like you really love staying at home with Sammy.

Jenny Aust said...

Thanks for the encouragement Courtney!