Friday, February 09, 2007


When I blogged about Brad and me in the Cities on Tuesday, I failed to mention a couple key facts. First of all, because of the *great* weather, we didn't get to Chris and Gianna's house until around 9:30, but I did end up staying until a little after it wasn't quite MOST of the day. Next, Gianna's new baby girl, Brin, had a doctor's appointment so she was gone from about 10:00 until around 12:30, so I didn't get to spend as much time with her as I wished to. BUT I did get to spend that time with her other daughter Maya and Chris, who is not only Gianna's husband but also a former co-worker from not just one job, but three different jobs over the last 10 years. That's right...three different jobs...and somehow we are still friends!

So while I spend a lot of time in my blog talking about my girlfriends from the Cities, my girlfriend's husbands are just as important. Because even though both our girls were keeping us busy and we didn't have a chance to talk about anything else but them, it was sure nice to hang out with Chris.

So I'm grateful to not only have these great girlfriend relationships, but to also have relationships with their husbands...who are more than just "their husbands" but my good friends as well.


gianna said...

You are so cute, Jenny! And yet I know you were sincere! But you are still cute!

Jenny Aust said...
