Monday, September 14, 2009

Not me, Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday.

It is time, once again, to confess all those crazy, silly, and downright funny things we have done in the past week! It's been awhile, but that only means I have more silliness to share. Our good virtual friend, MckMama leads us always in our endeavor. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.

Confession is so good for the soul!

Wow, almost a month has gone by since my last "Not Me, Monday" post. This is going to be a LONG one folks!

It was certainly NOT ME who ran a 5K when I was terribly nauseous and sick with morning sickness. NOPE, it wasn't me who was more concerned about completing a race (my first one in over four years of which I had been training for over 3 months) than whether I would have to stop and vomit along the way.

By the way, I did complete the race--with my worst time ever--but I did have to stop once and walk about 10 paces and repeat in my head over and over again, "you are NOT going to throw up, you are NOT going to throw up" until the feeling passed.

Of course, it was NOT me who defied the weatherman's suggestions and drove to the Cities IN POURING RAIN just so that I could go to Como Zoo with a friend. Nope, and I didn't blog about it either!

I did NOT let my son "eat" bubbles during our annual church picnic because I was so tired of chasing him around the park, and I was grateful he was staying in at least one place!

I did NOT let both my children stay up until after 11:30 for our youth group's annual drive-in movie night. Nope, I ALWAYS have my children in bed by 8:30 and would never let them stay up that late!

Since I have been so nauseous, I have NOT asked Brad to change EVERY one of Caleb's messy diapers when he's at home. No, and I certainly do not even wait (some days) 10 to 15 minutes (because I know he's on his way home from work) even though Caleb is telling me he has a messy diaper! No way! That would be borderline child abuse!

I did not go crazy planning a scrapbooking retreat for some friends and stay up WAY TOO LATE two nights in a row and then CRASH and BURN the next two days because I was so sick and exhausted. Nope, I'm especially sensitive to my body right now and take extreme care of it.

I have NOT been feeding my children the same 3-4 meals (cereal, grilled cheese, peanut butter sandwiches, and mac-n-cheese) for the last four weeks because I can't stomach much of anything else.

And I especially DO NOT get really irritated (and say, "stop eating my food!") when Sammy and Caleb eat all my grapes when grapes are one of the only foods that taste good to me right now!

I do NOT thank God every day I'm feeling sick because then I know things are going well for the baby...and I am NOT counting down the days until, as my daughter puts it, "when Mommy (I) will be fun again."

I do NOT think my children are more entertaining than any movie or television show and do not laugh hysterically over and over again at silly pictures of them eating oreos.

Nope, NOT me!


TheAtticGirl said...

Holy cow! I feel like a shlup for only taking a walk today. I have never run a race in my life, and most certainly never with morning sickness! You go mama!

gianna said...

okay, you gotta laugh at caleb's oreos. that is just more than sweet!

Rebekah said...

I can NOT believe you ran a marathon while suffering with morning sickness. You are my hero. I cant do anything CLOSE to that when I am so sick. Im still reading through the NMM from Mckmama's blog. I really loved yours. Your children are beautiful.

Brad Aust said...

Love the picture of that HOT woman in her running gear! And the kids are pretty cute too.