Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Christmas family pictures 2009

Ever since we got married, I have LOVED taking family pictures at Christmas! At first it was just Brad and me, and we could just set up the tripod and take pictures of ourselves.

It's gotten a bit more complicated with children...and takes about three times as long to get a good shot!

I don't know why I love it so much! Maybe it's just a great excuse to get all matching clothes and try to take the best picture to send out to family and friends. Maybe it's having (now) 11 years worth of pictures of us to compare over the years.

And man, oh man, has my hair style...and weight...changed over the years!

Maybe it's just because I LOVE having cute pictures of me and my hubby and our adorable children. Maybe it's because we just don't seem to take many pictures of us as a family over the course of the year.

Regardless of the reason, here are some of the GREAT pictures that our friend Jeremy took of us recently.

I can't believe my little girl is already 4! She is such a joy and a blessing to us! (And she's quite adorable, isn't she!)

The tricky part about having Jeremy take pictures of us in his home (with his very cool camera, lights, and backdrops) was that there were toys that kept distracting Caleb. He didn't always have the best smile, but he's still a cutie!

Sammy can only handle saying "cheese" so many times until she just gets squirmy and silly. Hence this picture!

The only way we could get Caleb to smile was to tickle him. And this little guy is very, very ticklish!

After we got a couple of family pictures, we let the kids play and Jeremy took some of just Brad and me and Baby Girl. Seriously, I wish I would have taken more pregnancy pictures with my first two pregnancies!

Why is it that we never get enough pictures of just Brad and me? Oh, that's right, it's because we're always shooting pictures of our kids. That so needs to change!

I LOVE this one! We were laughing about something...have no idea what...but I LOVE how we look! Almost like we're still in love after over 10 years of marriage!

Yup, he does this every year!

And finally, our family picture. Aside from Sammy's static hair, it's a pretty sweet shot! Thanks again Jeremy!!!

Merry Christmas!


Jess said...

" we're still in love after over 10 years of marriage!" Huh, Jenny, the miracle of marriage! Great shots, and a great idea to do a family picture at a certain time every year. I don't know if we even have one of us with our boys, much less with our newest one. I love the belly picture.

Heather said...

Love them all!!! What a beautiful family! I love everyones' deep brown eyes!

gianna said...

you are so beautiful! seriously!
i'm so "jealous" of what a beautiful pregnant mama you are. once again, i say seriously! i love the belly picture too!
i love you, girl!

Jeremy Doyle said...

I'm glad you enjoy the photos. They really did turn out nice!