A few Sundays ago as we were driving home from church, Sammy asked about why some kids bring money and put it in the offering plate during Sunday School. She asked why they were doing it, and where the money went to, and if she could bring some of her money to give next week.
We were delighted to talk with her about what offering was and how God has asked us to give some of the money He has entrusted to us back to Him. We told her what the money pays for, and how God loves a cheerful giver.
The next week, Sammy took 5 pennies from her little bank in her room and took them to Sunday School. The following Thursday, she took 7 more pennies and put them in the offering plate at Bible Study Fellowship.
Now, Sammy only has about 30 cents or so in her piggy bank. All of her birthday money goes into her savings account, but when we happen to find some loose change or coins on the street she puts them in her bank. We also use her money for activities when we do school.
It didn't take her long to realize after giving these 12 pennies that her money was going away. And she was quite upset about it. So last Wednesday she told us she was going to stop putting money into the offering plate because she didn't want all of her money to be gone. So Brad and I talked to her about it and told her that God asks us to do this and that He loves it when we give, and that God will bless her giving and she will have more money in the future. We asked her if she wanted to pray to God and talk to Him about how she was feeling. Here's what she said:
"Dear God, can you please give me my money back?"
After Brad and I were finally able to control our giggles, Brad asked her whose money it really was. She said, "God's."
He asked her if she wanted to pray again. She said:
"Dear God, can you please give me Your money back?"
We chatted a bit more about it with her...you know, once we were able to control our giggles and smiles in the front seat. And we decided not to press it any further.
Just a few days later, as I was collecting some used plastic bags to recycle, I found a quarter in one of the bags. I went into Sammy's room and told her I had found it, and she could put it into her piggy bank. We talked about how God had blessed her because she had cheerfully given to Him.
I told her that God had DOUBLED what she had given. She had given 12 cents and He gave her 12 cents plus 13 more.
I was almost brought to tears at the way God had given her (and us) a lesson in giving.
We CAN take Him at His Word and He WILL bless our giving...no matter how small it is!
Jenny, what a sweet story. I also whole-heartedly believe that God blesses our cheerful giving.
Agree that God blesses cheerful giving. For more ideas you may want to visit www.cheerfulgivers.org and encourage kids and people everywhere to be Cheerful Givers.
i love it and i can TOTALLY hear her talking to God! yea Sammy!
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