The following activitiy was actually not from the Family Fun magazine, but it's one I've wanted to do with the kids since last year. I drew a tree trunk and Brad and I cut some colored leaves out of foam paper and had Sammy and Caleb tell us things they were thankful for. I wrote what they said on the leaves, and then they taped them onto our Thanksgiving Tree.
I loved Caleb's contributions...such as cars, buses, trucks, and trains! (Have I mentioned he is such a boy!
Sammy's included her bunk bed, her baby sister and Caleb, ponies, and dresses.
Ours included family, friends, and faith. We are all truly blessed, aren't we!
This next idea did come from October's Family Fun issue. With the foam paper, we cut out silly faces and taped them onto some pumpkins and squash I had yet to cook.
Caleb had some issues with the tape, so Daddy was there to help him.
Sammy had no issues figuring out what to do.
I could just squeeze this cute little guy...well, actually I do! (And pretty regularly, I might add!)
This is Sammy with her silly face.
And, of course, Brad and I had to do one as well.
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