Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Three weeks and counting...

I am the queen of making lists.

I make lists every day.

I LOVE crossing things off my lists.

I even add things to my list (you know, silly little things like shower, breakfast, and bath nights for the kids) so I can cross them off.

I even spend $20 every year on a snazzy "hourly" calendar from Office Max, and I write out almost every detail of my life in each 30 minute segment.

I know...I know...

There are places where I can receive help for this kind of addiction...

So tonight on our date, Brad and I made out a to-do list of things we'd like to get done before Baby Girl arrives in (probably) less than 3 weeks.

How romantic!

I was feeling pretty good about how much we had already done and prepared...her room was finally painted, I had washed all of Sammy's 0-3 month clothes, and we even had come closer to choosing a name for our little bundle.

Until tonight...

Until we wrote out a list of 19 more things to do...


Now I feel completely unprepared and unready for her arrival.

Granted, some things will take us only 10 to 15 minutes or so to do...like iron a bunch of Brad's shirts, make some CDs of pictures for friends, call people about watching our kids when I'm in labor, and paint an air vent for Baby Girl's room.

Others are going to take a lot longer...like put the crib together, rearrange and clean our bedroom, go through and organize a HUGE pile of papers, and organize ALL of our pictures on our iMac.

Then there are the "I'm beginning to nest" items on the list...which really aren't that important, but are really driving me crazy...like clean and organize my pantry, silverware drawer, and dresser drawers.

Probably not going to get those items.

Even though I have the best intentions for being as prepared as I can for our newest child and to have some of those time consuming little projects done before the craziness of having 3 children takes over our lives, I need to be realistic.

And, I need to give myself a break. Things don't have to be perfect. If we haven't gotten around to finishing a project, a couple more weeks (or months) won't matter. And if I can't find my nursing apron, a blanket will do just fine.

I do not need to stay up until midnight...which is what time it is right now...fretting over these things.

Because I want to be a human "being" and not a human "doer." Because I want to enjoy these last few weeks with my two oldest children. Because I should probably get sleep now, since I won't be able to soon.

And, seriously, how important is it that I have an organized sock and underwear drawer?


Paula said...

I can't wait to meet baby girl Aust. Praying for you in these last weeks and for your transition to three.

Amber said...

Jenny, thanks for writing what you did on your description of the "journey" under your photo. I really cannot describe to you the importance of that very lesson for me, and I am on a very similar path. Your insight has greatly encouraged my heart today. so thank-you and God bless you friend.

Amber said...

I can paint a vent and I'm also available for you when you go into labor. I love painting, and i love babysitting children. :) call me friend.

gianna said...

I was where you are now about 2 weeks ago. I TOTALLLY understand. And I totally encourage you to trim down your list. Everything will be okay, right? No matter what gets done before the baby comes, that's a bonus! I love you, friend. I feel so much better today, too. No baby, yet!

ediegrogg said...

you are the funniest:) I love the way you put things into your crazy yet trying to talk yourself out of it lingo. Let me know when you need to bring the kids over. I am always here.....literaly we are always here, at home, in the house, with each other:) j/k I love being here.
Love ya girl friend