Sunday, January 15, 2012

Flashback on the 15th

Problem: What do you do when you read your blog from the previous year and realize it contains various large, gaping holes in your family's life story?

Solution: Make up something completely random to give yourself an excuse to talk about events from the previous year!


As Brad and I are whittling away at our massively long to-do list (comprising of "all the things we should have been doing the last 5 months that we never really got around to doing and that have been driving us crazy" list), we are slowly (and I mean slowly) working our way through a big one: going through, organizing, and editing the hundreds of pictures we took last year.

If any of you know my husband, you realize I'm not kidding. It might actually be up in the thousands.


Anyway, I am glad to report that we are through the first 7 months of 2011 and are just beginning the month of August!


*waits for shouts of encouragement from dedicated blog readers*

cricket, cricket

Come on people, this is a big deal!

Okay, moving along...

As we edit and sort pictures, I'm going to, on the 15th of each month, talk about an event and post some pics from it. You know, so I can get rid of some of that "mommy guilt" I've been carrying around.

Just kidding!

Anyway, these pictures were taken last June. We LOVE the free kid's workshops at Home Depot. We don't always make it every month, but we try to hit several of them a year. Sammy and Caleb love making the projects, and the popcorn can't be beat!

Caleb sticks his tongue out of his mouth when he's concentrating really hard...just like his daddy!

Sammy is a veteran at sanding. I think Brad started taking her when she was just 3.

Don't be deceived by that first pictures of Caleb, though. We have more of these types of pictures than of him actually working!

And what do we do with sweet Hannah? Feed her popcorn and let her play on the lawn mowers...just like good, respectable parents!

Stay tuned to the next exciting Flashback on the 15th!


Jess said...

Why are you not just saving the jpgs straight out of camera if you're that far behind? There are, truly, better things to do in life.

Gianna Rae said...

he he he! Of course! Omri would be right up there with Hannah!