Tuesday, January 24, 2012

How to know the will of God

Over the course of our 12+ years of marriage, Brad and I have had to make some very difficult decisions. With every choice or crossroad, we have often sought God's will for our lives concerning most everything. Job changes, moves, children, extra responsibilities, our budget, family issues...the list goes on and on. We yearn and desire to do what He wants us to. And as we've prayed and wrestled with our own personal longings to do God's will over the years, intermixed with that have been many long discussions with students who are wrestling with the same thing.

It seems for believers in Jesus Christ, that knowing His will for their lives is crucial to daily living and decision making.

Yet, for myself personally and for those I've ministered to, knowing God's will doesn't always come easy.

Why is that?

I think sometimes we aren't really open to God's will. We may have our plans made already and not have even considered other alternatives. We quickly glance over Scripture passages that would offer us warning or brush aside some Godly council. We talk about wanting to do God's will, but do we really?

Sometimes I wonder if we think God is being elusive or teasing us about His will for our lives. It's as if He wants to make us guess or work really hard to figure it out. We think if we just prayed harder or make dozens of lists of pros and cons, just maybe we'll be able to put our finger on it.

In many cases, we don't consider fully the way that God communicates His will. He does it through a variety of ways. Through His Word...through Godly council...through open and closes doors...through our own passions and desires...through circumstances. Not one painful experience or a late night conversation with a friend is overlooked in God's economy. He is not shy in communicating to us.

Our former senior pastor and Brad began a preaching series on I Thessalonians in September and this year I am studying several of Paul's Epistles in Bible Study Fellowship...currently I and II Thessalonians. And as I've been studying this past week, several verses literally popped off the pages.

Want to know what God's will is for you?

"It is God's will that you should be sanctified..." I Thess. 4:3


"Be joyful always; pray continually; give thanks in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you in Christ Jesus." I Thess. 5:16-18

Please hear me friends. I know that there are important decisions to make. What college to attend, who to marry, which car to buy, what college major to have, how to spend your money, where to move, when to start having children... I get that, I really do. Brad and I have had some super huge decisions of late. But, as we are sitting in a "waiting room" of sorts...waiting until the last week of February until knowing if Brad has been accepted into Bethlehem Seminary or not...I've realized there's a lot that God has spoken already about His will and my obedience to it.

Here are just a few of the things we all should be doing...which is God's will for believers:

* avoid sexual immorality (4:3)
* learn to control own body in a way that is holy and honorable (4:7)
* love each other...and continue to do so more and more (4:10)
* lead a quiet life...mind your own business...work with your hands and not be dependent on anyone (4:11-12)
* respect those who work hard around us...who are over us in the Lord and who admonish you (5:12)
* live at peace with each other (5:13)
* warn those who are idle, encourage the timid, help the weak, be patient with everyone (5:14)
* do not pay back wrong for wrong (5:15)
* be joyful always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances (5:16-18)
* do not put out the Spirit's fire (5:19)
* test everything and hold onto the good (5:21)
* avoid every kind of evil (5:22)

God has given us plenty of things that we can already be doing as He continually shows us His general and specific will for each of our lives.

I think I could spent the next year alone working on having patience with everyone and giving thanks in all circumstances.

And for those of you feeling overwhelmed by this list of "duties," listen to I Thess. 5:24:

"The One who calls you is faithful and He will do it."

Can we each know the will of God for our lives? Yes, we can!

Is it impossible to do the will of God, once we've become aware of it? No, but it can be done in God's mighty power!

Be encouraged! Whatever it is that God is calling you to do and wherever you are today...in the waiting room or beginning a scary, new adventure...you can know God's will and He will empower you to do it.

"...being confident of this, that He who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus." - Philippians 1:6


gianna said...

keep on keeping on, Jenny!
I love you!

Betty Aust said...

Jenny, your thoughts here are awesome! I feel like I've been in a holding stage for 10 years now trying to figure out who I am & where I'm going? I know God doesn't want me to be this way so I'm studying God's word, praying more, & trying to be patient & enjoy each day! Your thoughts here help alot! Thanks! Love, Mom