Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Holding on...

For the past several months, it's taken the timeless Word of God and some incredible friends to help me "hold on" as my family's circumstances and Brad's job have been changing around me.

On Sunday evening, I was able to get away for a few hours to Caribou to spend some extended time with God. As I was leafing through my Sabbath journal, I stopped at an entry from August 13, 2010. I remember going through a hard time then, and near the end of the entry, I asked God "to provide a way for me". I also wrote out a verse from Isaiah...a verse that a little over a year later would become the life giving source and solid foundation I would need to withstand some additional difficult times.

Isn't God cool like that? Giving me what I need even before I realize how desperately I needed it!

"Forget the former things; do not dwell on the past. See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the desert and streams in the wasteland." - Isaiah 43:18-19

Each day I find myself making a choice. A choice to either give in to the fear and anxiety of the uncertain future ahead of me and my family...OR to choose to cling to the hope that I have in Christ. The hope that He will provide a way. That He does care deeply for us. And that He does have something better in mind for Brad, me, and our children.

And as much as I am "holding on" each day to my Savior, I know that He is holding onto me as well and has promised to never let me go.

1 comment:

gianna said...

Keep holding on! You are doing great!