Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A Tuesday afternoon adventure

The weather earlier this week was amazing for January in Minnesota.

Amazing, I tell you!

In fact, it felt downright balmy!

So Brad decided to take us on a family hike through the woods after Sammy was done at school. He had come across some paths near the Mississippi River that he had never explored before and was itching to get out and enjoy the beautiful weather.

You know, before winter decides to show up...

because no matter what it felt like yesterday, cold weather WILL show its ugly face soon.

We drove a couple of miles and headed down a dirt road that had several paths through the woods.

My kids are magnetically charged to large rocks...

climbing on them...make silly faces while on them...

striking a pose.

Yah, no idea where they got that from.

The path took us to the Mississippi's edge. There we stopped, enjoyed the beautiful view, and tried to keep our children from falling in.

Which was quite a feat, I might add. If you know my children, you completely understand.

Brad wanted to loop back and come the way we came, but the kids wanted to follow the path up a hill.

I LOVE this picture!

We had such a sweet time talking and laughing and exploring together. We picked up rocks and sticks and kicked our feet through leaf piles and chatted about our day.

As I was taking pictures, I was overwhelmed by God's incredible blessings in my life: my husband, our children, the time to enjoy a warm day, and the faith to keep us going in the midst of uncertainty.

And, my sweet baby girl who loved holding mama's hand and walking on the crunching snow.

I am truly blessed indeed!

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