Monday, May 17, 2010

Back in the saddle again...

Tonight I went on a run.

Well, it was more like a jog, but that's beside the point.

I exercised pretty religiously up until the heard me right....the very day I went into labor.

While that sounds really great, despite my many miles on the treadmill and elliptical machine, I still managed to gain 40 pounds.

But let's not dwell on that little note!

Anyway, Hannah is going to be 6 weeks on Wednesday. SIX WEEKS! I still can't believe it. And aside from an occasional walk here and there, I have not exercised at all since having her. After realizing that I've only lost about 20 of the previously noted 40 pounds, I told Brad this weekend that I HAD to start running again.

So tonight, after putting Sammy and Caleb to bed at 8:00 and nursing Hannah shortly thereafter, I was out the door.

And it was glorious...simply glorious!

I'm not sure what exactly made it glorious. Maybe it was just having my running clothes and shoes on again. Or it could have been listening to my running music on my MP3 player. Maybe it was the cool evening or the crescent moon or feeling the pavement under my feet. Perhaps it was the fact that I had 20 minutes outdoors...alone. Just me, my praise music, the fresh air, and my Savior.

For those of you who don't know, I am NOT a runner. I started running in high school just because it was the best way I felt for me to stay in shape. I don't love running like some people out there.

You know who you are...

But I enjoy what running does for me. It helps me lose weight, makes me feel good, and it gives me some precious time to myself.

I ran about 2 miles, and aside from a really slow pace, it felt just like it did a couple of months ago. I felt rejuvenated, awake and alert, and grateful to have some time to myself on a beautiful May evening.

So tonight I am grateful. Grateful to my husband for holding a fussy baby so I could run. Grateful for the motivation to actually start running again. Grateful that I even have the ability to run for any length of time.

But most of all, I'm grateful for the precious time I had to review my day, time to listen to some encouraging music, and time to praise God for who He is and what He continues to do in my life.


Jess said...

Run Jenny, RUN!!! Oh, man, I gotta get back into that again too. I miss it so much.

gianna said...

I ran for the first time 2 nights ago, too! Oh, BOY! YOu ran 2 miles?!? That's amazing! I ran like 5 blocks. I'm trying to remind myself to take it slow. WAY to go! I am so proud of you!

Amber said...

Yay Friend!! Yay! I know that very feeling you speak of. Good job on the miles. no matter how far, miles are miles and it is amazing anytime my feet hit the pavement.
My runs have been less than amazing lately, due the having to stop and throw up half way thru.. :) Ha! (actually I haven't done that..) but it sounded good.
But sickness has def. put a damper on the joys of running.
I pray both you and I have many amazing runs together next winter...perhaps a 1/2 marathon next spring together? eh? :)

Betty Aust said...

Good for you, Jenny! You're right, all of us need that quiet time, being out doors, listening to good music, & exercise! My lst doctor in St. Cloud, Minn. told me after Brian was born; he said, " Every Mom needs to get out of the house & get a break from the kids no matter if they live in a shack or a mansion to keep their sanity!"My grandmother use to say that Moms need to get rid of the cobwebs in their brains! That goes for grandmas, too!

ediegrogg said...

so glad you ate back in the saddle, i missed you:) I love to exercise too, it makes me awake for my day and just to know that we are taking care of the bodies the Lord gave us, to do His work...amen