Wednesday, May 05, 2010

Little Miss Four Week Old...

Hannah Joy is 4 weeks old today.

Seriously, where did the time go?

(Oh, and this picture is a few days old since I'm still having trouble sinking our pics to our Mac...she isn't that yellow anymore!)

We are so grateful for our little Hannah. She is beginning to smile, holds her head up like a pro, and is so very content.

I can count on one hand how many fussy evenings she has had. Her cries are usually very easy to remedy...aside from those few nights.

She usually gives us at least one 4 hour block each night...but it's usually from 10 to 3 a.m. We really need to get our act together and actually go to sleep right after her 10:00 p.m. feeding!

She loves music and any noise in particular.

She loves being held, and rarely cries when she is being held by her siblings.

Aside from her laid back and mellow personality, the thing I love most about her is how she gazes at people. She is able to maintain great eye contact...even though Brad insists that she stares at his hair and not his eyes! Sometimes I feel like she's peering into my soul!

She loves to cuddle, and she is often fought over in the nursery.

She is the perfect little addition to our family. Happy 4 week birthday little girl!


gianna said...

yea, hannah! we are so glad to have you here!

Amber said...

Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful girl. She is perfect.

Jess said...

I can't believe that only a year ago my little Bean was that tiny. It goes so fast.

Betty Aust said...

Oh Brad & Jenny, I've been wandering how Hannah is doing? I haven't called because I know you're busy. She looks perfect & is so beautiful! I miss the kids so much, in fact I miss all my beautiful grandchildren. We are all so blessed!