Monday, May 24, 2010

Little Miss Six Week Old...

Hannah was six weeks old last Wednesday.

I seriously think that with every child I have had, the time during the first few months flies by more quickly.

And, as a six week birthday gift from Hannah to us, she gave us 6 hours of uninterrupted sleep.

Since then, she has increased her blessing of sleep to us. Most nights I can nurse between 10:30 and 11:30 and she won't wake up until sometime between 6:30 and 7:30. On Sunday, we had to wake her up at 8:00 so that we would get to church on time.

I whispered in her ear that morning that she was my "favorite" child.

Don't worry....I DO NOT have favorites...

but for that short moment she was!

She is simply a delight! She smiles all the time. She only cries when she is hungry, has a wet or dirty diaper, wants a new position, or is tired. She's a very easy baby to read.

She hates being held in the cradle position, except to nurse. She prefers to be upright so she can hold up her head and push up with her feet. She LOVES her daddy, big brother and big sister and loves all the activity in our home. She continually delights the "grandmas" in the nursery and they continually fight over her and tell me of how she smiles and smiles at them.

She is such a joy, and loves to cuddle with mommy and daddy. She is also our first "spit-upy" baby, so we both have several outfit changes per day.

But she is definitely worth it.

Oh, and, have I mentioned she LOVES to smile?


Betty Aust said...

Cute, cute, cute, precious, precious, & precious! Yes, she has changed since I was there in April, 4 to 5 weeks ago! I see her big smile! She'll become more of a joy every day! I told you the lst 6 weeks are the hardest, not that you didn't already know that! So glad she's sleeping longer at night. Blessed sleep. Praise the Lord!

ediegrogg said...

she is so amazing, she falls in line with you other children in that repect. What a blessing she is to you all. love the amazing pictures:)
love you edie

gianna said...

Okay, so now I understand what it means when someone says Omri is a Kordatzky because Hannah is SO an Aust!
And I've got something over on my blog for you!