Thursday, May 06, 2010

Singing in the rain...

just singing in the rain...

what a glorious feeling...

I'm happy again.


gianna said...

YOu weren't happy?

Jenny Aust said...

No, I am happy...and wasn't unhappy at all. I just wrote out the lyrics to the song...even though they aren't really fully applicable. In my sleep deprived state, that was the best I could come up with to go along with the pictures. : )

But I do feel happier now that I have figured out how to balance most things...and still have time to go puddle-jumping with my kiddos!

Amber said...

I teared up when you said "i'm happy again" because i distinctly remember that moment after Annie arrived, and it had been a few months of chios and all of a sudden I realized that chios had slowed and I was "happy again."
I totally get that.
I'm glad your in that place...
Yay for normalcy!

Amber said...

I ment "chaos" but my brain isn't working so now that i see that typed out it doesn't look right either. you know what i mean. I seriously have no brain when i am pregnant!!!!