Thursday, May 20, 2010

Will I ever learn?

I currently am having a love/hate relationship with our new iMac. While I really love how much better, faster, and easier to use it is, I have STILL not figured out iPhoto. I can only access and edit pictures when I'm logged under Brad's account and then I have to export those photos to another folder in our "shared documents" to be able to pull them up under my log in.

And with all the extra time I have, this has not been frustrating at all.

Did you all catch the sarcasm in my voice?

Anywho...I will get it figured out. I just would like the whole process to take me less than a couple of hours to actually do.

Okay, moving on...

Little Miss Hannah was six weeks yesterday. It has completely flown by. She is such a good baby and such a joy. She has now given us 2 nights in a row of 6-7 hours of sleep.

I cannot tell you what it feels like to get that much sleep in a row. You begin to realize how much you were living in a fog...and you start thanking God that nothing happened to your children when you were in that state.

The fact that all of my children are still alive and are being feed daily equates success in my book.

Now I would be posting cute pics of Hannah, but I'm still having trouble getting them from the camera to iPhoto to the shared account to my blog.

Not that it is frustrating or anything...

Okay, I'm really moving on this time.

Near the end of my pregnancy, I began to realize that I was going to be needing some extra help. My parents weren't sure if they were going to be able to come right away, and so I asked Brad's mom to come shortly after my due date. She was a bit leery of doing this since she had flown once before to my sister in laws around her due date with her first child...and missed the actual birth. But I assured her that my doctor would induce me shortly after my due date and since there are only a couple of babies delivered each day in Brainerd, there would be plenty of room for me.

Reason #191 to live in a small town! That and the fact that I know all my doctors and nurses by name and some even have kids in our youth group!

So she flew up from North Carolina 3 days after Hannah arrived, and IT WAS SUCH A BLESSING!

Not only did she get to see Hannah so soon after she was born, but she was such a great help to me during that first 2 weeks.

Betty is a great lady, and I'm so blessed to have her as a mother in law. She is so eager to help and genuinely wants to please me and my sister in laws. And even though I'm a bit of a control freak...

just a little bit...

I eventually took my husband's and my mom's and Betty's advice and actually let her help.

It only took me about 6 or 7 days into her visit to let her do this.

Being a control freak is not that much fun when life is overwhelming you and you STILL think you should being doing everything yourself.

But, that is topic for another time...

So sweet Betty did my dishes...and taught Sammy to wash them as well.

She made homemade shortcake and whip cream with the kids.

She sang songs with the kids at night and taught them some that Grandma Aust only knows.

She played play -do.

She read countless books to eager little ears.

And still she managed to find the time to hold little Hannah.

Thank you Mom for all you did. Thank you for gently reminding me that I couldn't do it all and that it was okay to ask for help.


Amber said...

What sweet pictures. I know, i know, everything makes you cry when your pregnant, but the sweetness that oozes from Grandmas at the time of a new child, is priceless. I'm thankful for you that you had that blessing of time! Baby girl is beautiful by the way!

Jess said...

Ack! I am such a control freak too. And until the day I die, I will probably never ever learn to ask for help... is there a 12 step program for people like us???

Hannah is such a doll, and Grandmas are blessings (even in the times we only let them help a teeny tiny bit).

Betty Aust said...

Thanks, Jenny, you're being very kind & encouraging! We Moms like to be part of the family, not just be there to be waited on or entertained! Yes, we need that, but we want to fell needed & valued as part of our kids' families. It makes it more fun, special, & worthwhile for us Moms. I never have liked the words "in-laws" for anyone. I loved Dick's parents; loved having them come; loved going to see them; & loved their help! This is the way God intended & makes it happier for everyone. Dick felt the same with my side of the family & parents. We've all been blessed like God meant for families! Not that we're perfect, just saved by God's grace! You are all a blessing to me. I try really hard to be a good "mom" & grandma! Love all my kiddos big & small! You're all a blessing!

Anonymous said...

Do the lessons =

ediegrogg said...

she is very cool, She really does love you all so very much too. What a blessing to have her in your life, and to know that she delights in her children and grandchildren:)
I also have been diagnosed with control freak disorder. Yeah that's probly why we get along so well:)