Monday, August 17, 2009

Not Me, Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday. Once again, it's time to confess all those crazy, silly, and downright funny things we have done in the past week! Our good virtual friend, MckMama leads us always in our endeavor. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.

Confession is so good for the soul!

Even though my little 2 year old son had not been asked to be a ring bearer in a good friend's wedding this weekend (Sammy is the flower girl), I did NOT still buy a VERY CHEAP tuxedo (for like $6.50 at a consignment shop) for him. And upon hearing that the bride and groom chose an older boy (thank goodness...Caleb would have NEVER made it down the aisle) I still did NOT take Sammy and Caleb into Sears to get their pictures done because even though he's not a ring bearer, the dress and tuxedo were too cute to pass up!

At a play date at the beach last week, I did NOT ignore the fact that Sammy had stolen a water toy from a complete stranger and did NOT wait to officially intervene until the unhappy child (and correct owner) chased after Sammy to get it back. No, I always make sure my children obey completely and only play with the toys they bring to the beach, and I NEVER let my children's behavior slide so that I can finish a conversation with a friend.

I did NOT ignore my dirty dishes for almost THREE days and only begin to wash then when it began to smell like something had died. Nope, I'm always the model housekeeper!

I did NOT run a 5k (3.1 miles) on one of the hottest days of the summer. I did NOT think once about backing out since I hadn't been feeling well. I also did NOT forget to take a picture of me and my running buddies. And by the time I remembered, the only picture of me was taken almost 3 hours after my run was NOT the one below. Grrr!

And I most certainly did NOT lay down at 11:15 after church on Sunday and proceed to take a nap until 1:30...forcing my hubby to scrounge around the house for food for him and my kiddos. And after waking up and putting the kids down for their nap and eating a quick lunch I did NOT lay back down for another nap around 2:00. No, I did NOT! Who has time to nap! NOT ME!

1 comment:

RaD said...

I never nap like that or sleep in as long as possible on Saturdays either. Nope not me!