Saturday, August 08, 2009

What happens when both parents are sick with colds?


And this!

I have been battling a cold since Thursday, and Brad woke up Friday morning with whatever I had. It is SO HARD when both parents are sick! Sammy and Caleb have a bit of runny noses, but are overall doing well. I was so looking forward to this long weekend since Brad was going to be home FOUR DAYS IN A ROW...but, we've been spending most of our evenings and nap times in bed trying to get better. And neither one of us has had any energy to clean up...well, really anything. So we will continue to live in used tissues scattered everywhere and will keep dodging all the toys littered around the house as we try to get better.

But, on a good note, the kids have been playing pretty well and pretty contentedly by themselves.


Seriously! When is someone going to clean up this place!


Paula said...

You are so funny! That's what our house looks like when everyone is feeling good.

Paula said...

I hope you feel better soon!

Micah said...

Hope everyone is feeling better!
Tagged you in my post!

Jonathan Davis said...

You truly have no concept of what a mess truly is.