Monday, October 05, 2009

Not Me, Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday.

It is time, once again, to confess all those crazy, silly, and downright funny things we have done in the past week! Our good virtual friend, MckMama leads us always in our endeavor. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.

Confession is so good for the soul!

I did NOT, while making a desert for a meeting at church, keep adding more and more milk (even though the recipe did not call for milk) because my "peanut butter fluff" was not very fluff-like. And because I would not give up, this desert did NOT make me 15 minutes late for my meeting. (The desert ended up being very yummy, by the way!)

I was NOT elated during my doctor's appointment this past week to see only ONE baby on the ultrasound. (Sammy has been praying for twin siblings even before we got pregnant. It's a good thing God decided in His sovereign grace that we could only handle one child at a time!)

I did NOT try to convince my husband at least 2 times this week that we should eat out...even though I knew we were already over budget for the month in our "eating out" category. NOPE, I would never completely disregard our budget and let my own pregnancy wants dictate our money. And he, being an amazing husband, did NOT cave in both times!

Even though our summer weather has become a thing of the past, I am still NOT planning weekly play dates...even if it means dressing in hats and gloves.

As I have tucked my children in their beds this past week...Sammy in her new (to her) bunk bed and Caleb in his "new" toddler bed...which Sammy outgrew a LONG time ago, I do NOT think that my children are the most wonderful, special, silly, and most precious gifts ever!

Happy Not Me Monday!


Paula said...

I think it's great that you are keeping the play-dates going!

gianna said...

cute! very cute!