Wednesday, January 20, 2010

January Blahs...

I feel blah...

I really shouldn't be.

The sun is shining...
It's actually above freezing here in Brainerd...
The recent sicknesses (flu and pink eye) have finally left my house...
My house is getting organized and de-cluttered...
Sammy is "dusting" our house...
Caleb is napping...
I have a million fun and beautiful pictures from Christmas and other recent events to post...

Why am I so blah?

It could be the month. Despite the sunshine, it's still quite chilly outside.

It could be because I haven't been eating very well lately, and poor eating leads to feeling a bit run down.

It could be the fact that I tried to run on the treadmill today and realized my growing belly can't handle even a slow jog anymore...or just bending over, for that matter!

It could be because I haven't had really meaningful devotional time lately. I'm doing my Gospel read-thru and BSF and Beth Moore homework...but even that seems blah.

It could also be because some major life changes are on hold right now, and, even more frustrating, are completely out of our hands...and seem to be changing with each passing day.

Whatever the reason(s), I am grateful for this day. Grateful for a napping toddler, a content pre-schooler, the warmth of my house, the food in my pantry, and the many blessings that I take for granted. I am glad that my emotions are NOT the final authority in my life. And I am glad that God's mercies are new every morning.

So, I will wait on Him. Put aside my blah emotions. Take joy in the little things...

like my daughter RIGHT NOW who is making a row boat out of a laundry basket and two swiffer dusters and having a smashing good time...

and breathe deeply in.


gianna said...

this kind of goes along with my post on waiting. but only kinda! i love you, jen! i love your honesty!

Betty Aust said...

Jenny, we all FEEL blah at different times for different reasons. After all the business of Christmas, many of us feel blah with the winter weather, short sunny days, & a let down feeling. A pregnancy & hormones can effect you also. We all like to be in CONTROL! You feel out of control with some life changes right now. As you've given it to God, it's hard to wait. I've been feeling this way for 8 years, waiting & waiting. As you said, thank goodness God doesn't go by our feelings! Hang in there & learn to RELAX!!

Betty Aust said...

In the Beth Moore study of David I'm doing now, David was anointed at 15 yrs. old & yet didn't become king of Israel until 37 yrs! For 22 years God slowly used & taught David as David spoke to God, obeyed, trusted, & followed God. Waiting 22 years is a long time to me. Life does have normal times in the valley. We would be exhausted if we lived on the mountain tops all the time. By the way too much sugar might be making you depressed with a sugar high & low. Just a thought. I'm trying to be more God-conscious to help with my frustrations!