Wednesday, June 09, 2010

...but now I see.

Over the last year or so, God has really begun to change my heart is so many ways. This morning, as I've been reviewing my Sabbath notebook...which contains everything I have written during my weekly Sabbath Rest time over the last 2 years...I'm overwhelmed with how much God has done.

And I'm overwhelmed with how much more work needs to be done...

But THAT will have to wait for another time...

One area that I am so grateful that God has grown me in is what I call "seeing people."

I am a prideful person. I can be quite arrogant at times. I have a strong personality. I am quite opinionated. And I often am so set in my ways (because black is black and white is white) that I often focus on the behavior and overlook the person.

But God, in His goodness, has helped me to see people...I mean really see people. I often am so busy and in a hurry that I don't take time to really notice those around me.

Like when I'm in a hurry to get somewhere and I don't really see my children and their seeing Sammy and the disappointment in her face when I promised to make a card with her for a friend, but put it aside to make my grocery list and brush her aside again as we are rushing out the door.

Like when I feel rushed and neglect to smile and thank the person who has waited on me in a restaurant or at a store.

Like when I just want to hang out with my girlfriends and neglect to chat a bit and ask the Starbucks barista how her day is going.

Life is not about getting places on time, completing everything on my list, and rushing from place to place in record time.

Pretty sure Jesus never rushed anywhere...

So I have been so grateful that God is giving me moments to see people.

He's given myself and 2 friends weekly "appointments" during our Bible study time to chat and share with 2 baristas at Starbucks.

He gave me an opportunity last week to talk with Val, the lady who took pictures of my kiddos at Sears.

I was able to chat and connect with a new mom during a weekly play date.

And every day, He gives me chances to look into the faces of my children and husband and...



take in...

who they are and what they need.

If nothing else gets done on my list today, I pray that I will stop and notice those around the worker at Cub Foods who laughs every week when my children listen and wait for the "thunder" and "rain" in the produce the other mom in the parking lot with her 3 my sweet daughter Hannah and her "coo's" and "ahh's".

I want to take it all in...I want to appreciate it...I want to utilize every opportunity.

And, I hope today, you will too.


Amber said...

I am so with you on this. As God has changed my heart day by day He too showed me all the people and moments I was missing because of my constant business, and movement that HAD to be done. The might be a bit of mess, but the kids and I played "kitchen," and that meant more than cleaning the real kitchen. haha. Keep on seeing, I'm sure you are bringing joy to people's days, left and right. You never seem that way to me, but when God says change, we must. Good job for listening.

gianna said...

Like the song, "give me your eyes so I can see, everything that I've been missing, give me your love for humanity."
I love that you were even praying for those eyes!
And now Dash is in his room calling out bababababoooo (bibbiti bobbiti boo!) because his crying didn't work!

Jess said...

Beautiful post Jenny.

Imagine how wonderful life must have been in that garden, when everything was perfect and even God was there! All the busy-ness (even just trying to do dishes and fold laundry at home) is just more of our imperfectness. Sigh. All we can do is ask for His help, and try and try again.

Paula said...

Great post, Jenny! It's great to see how God is working in you and being reminded of what I may need to work on myself.

To God be the Glory!

Betty Aust said...

Thanks for your honesty! We humans are all selfish & sinful. Only Jesus was totally unselfish & giving. Remember we should control our to-do list, not let it control us. Actually, Jesus should control it. My Mom has taught me alot living with her & taking care of her. I have had to learn more PATIENCE than ever rising children or anything else in my life! The Lord never quits teaching us! We have thought about inviting over a neat 79 yr old lady at church, Fern, but every time we talk to her, she tells us all about how busy she is & her life. When people never show an interest or listen to others, it discourages one from wanting to be with them. It's all one sided! I'm sure she doesn't even realize it. Fern is very out-going & my Mom is more quiet & yet needs friends,love, & attention. Different personalities! Both ladies are good people & Christians. Yes, the Lord can constantly teach, love, forgive, encourage us! Our needs are different, too.

Betty Aust said...

Having said all of the above, our wants & needs are different at different stages & ages in our lives. At 90 my Mom has gotten totally dependent on her children especially me. She knows it & really tries not too, but doesn't know what else to do. When you see into the heart & lives of people, it changes your heart & perspective. Yet, there needs to be a balance. We all need each other, yet we need time for ourselves & friends as well as family. Growing old is not the golden years; under 50 is! Life is sure challenging! I'm glad Jesus has all the answers & is in charge!