Monday, June 21, 2010

My husband...

I take a lot of things for granted.

I'm not as grateful as I should be.

I have a God who loves me and gave His best...His son to redeem me and reconcile myself to Him. I don't think I will ever fully comprehend what He did this side of eternity.

I have wonderful children that are a joy to me. Many days are filled with constant training, re-directing, and disciplining. But at the end of the day, I wouldn't want it any other way.

And, in light of Father's Day, I am reminded how blessed I am to have the husband I do.

I met Brad when I was 18...almost 15 years ago. It's hard to believe that he has been a part of my life for so long.

He is a wonderful husband. He has learned to lead me (and my stubbornness and strong will nature and aggressive personality) well as he's sought God for our lives and family decisions. He is incredibly hard working. He has always provided well for our family, and has made very wise financial decisions that have saved us from potential grief.

He loves our children and desires to be involved with every aspect of their lives. He plays with them, disciplines them, loves them, changes their poopy cloth diapers (not many men would do that!) and seeks to raise them in the knowledge of God. He takes such joy in their personalities and crazy little tendencies.

He also is a man of many talents. He takes amazing nature photos.

And he has taken me on countless adventures to beautiful state and national parks around the country.

He just took this one of our azaleas this spring.

He has done a lot of home improvement to our 1953 home.

He designed and picked out all the trees and shrubs for our landscaping 5 years ago.

And he spent a crazy amount of hours building our deck 2 years ago.

He's also has a love for soccer. He played both indoor and outdoor soccer in college and when we lived in the Twin Cities, but there seemed to be no options to play here in Brainerd when we first moved here.

But a couple of years ago, he learned of a group of guys (and 1 wife) that play pick up soccer once a week. He has so enjoyed playing again and has met some really neat people.

Even though it's hard to give up time for him to do this, I know it is a worthwhile sacrifice for me and the kids.

I am truly blessed to be his wife! Happy Father's Day hon!


gianna said...

We are NOT that old to know someone for 15 years and practically be an adult when we first met them. CRAZY! My favorite picture is when Brad is in the hopper with Sammy and Caleb!

Amber said...

well said Jenny.
I often in the past have forgotten how blessed I am to have the husband that I do. I try hard, and as of late it's nearly impossibly to take mine for granted. (i know you know this too)

Betty Aust said...

That's my son! I'm proud of him too! He had a terrific father for an example that did the same for Brad & his brothers. Dick's smiling from heaven now!