Friday, June 11, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend part 2

When we first moved to Brainerd 6 years ago, I thought I would never find friends like the ones we had in the Twin Cities.

And we haven't...but we have come close!

I am so grateful for all my college girlfriends and fellow mommy's in Minneapolis. I miss all of them dearly and eagerly wait for our next visit...hopefully in the next month or so! We made so many memories together in college and during the 2 years we lived there before moving up north. They can never be replaced...but I knew it was going to be hard to find friends here that compared.

As I've been reviewing my Sabbath Rest notebook, I remember praying two years ago for good friends here in Brainerd. Not just friendly acquaintances, but real, transparent, and honest-to-goodness friends.

And God has answered that prayer.

The last few years, there have been a group of us that have gotten together for our children's birthday parties, Fourth of July fireworks, small group Bible studies, and game nights. We have treasured their friendships, and are so grateful for them.

This Memorial Day, we all got together to play at a GREAT park in Crosby and then finished off the day roasting hot dogs and smores over a bonfire.

This was one of a few pictures that I was in.

Nice, huh!

I really need to start remembering to have someone else take pictures so my kids actually know that I was there with them instead of them wondering...where was mom?

And, I should also start smiling and actually look at the camera next time!

Caleb is ALL boy! He just LOVES sand!

And what's summer with out some freezes! Yummy!

We played at a park on Serpent Lake...where there was this HUGE serpent. All of the men climbed on it...including Brad. But I liked this picture the best. It's true what they say...boys never really grow up! Even when they are 30 or older!

Look at my sweet baby girl! She pretty much slept the entire time!

Then we headed back to our friend's house to have a cook out.

And, just to be clear...the kids were playing "Duck, duck, goose" and NOT that other game "Duck, duck, grey duck"...since there really is no such thing as a grey duck!

It was a GREAT day, and I am so thankful for the wonderful people God has placed in our life!


Betty Aust said...

You have a new background & format. So I'd test it to see if it goes thru.

Betty Aust said...

Good ole friends are always terrific; but God never replaces them, he just adds more new, good friends to your lives. You're still young enough to do so. Keep it up. It brings back memories in my past life. It's harder as you get older. So enjoy!