Thursday, May 07, 2009


Why is change so hard? Why do we kick and scream when it happens? Why are we so resistant? Don't we know that make HUNDREDS of choices every day and with each of those, change occurs...either in very small and gradual ways or in a DRAMATIC way?

Regardless of how it happens, change is something we can't avoid. And no matter how old we become, I'm not sure if it gets any easier.

A few weeks ago, the leadership in my church announced that this would be the last year that Lakewood would be a charter for our MOPS group. Instead of MOPS, our church was going to transition into a more Titus 2 ministry. (A more authentic and purposeful ministry in which the older women teach, train and mentor the younger women.) It was an abrupt announcement, and it was met with A LOT of negative reactions. Many, many moms were VERY upset. I was one of them...until I met with the leadership later that day. And after hearing their hearts and how God had led them to this decision and as I saw how things had so beautifully come together, I embraced it with open arms.

But over the last week or two, more and more hurt feelings, resistance, and grumblings were going on. I pleaded with my friends to go and talk to our church's leadership, but many, to me, just wanted to complain. They wanted MOPS to continue. End of story.

I, TOO, want another church in our community to take over our MOPS charter and continue it this fall. MOPS is a GREAT ministry, and it has been something that has given me life and helped me survive these pre-school years. But as wonderful as MOPS is, there are times that I've felt it has been very shallow and surfacy. I have desired for it to go deeper. And I feel this Titus 2 ministry will do just that.

I think that everyone wants to find people to be real and authentic with. Many of us like staying where it's comfortable...smiling at one another...chatting about what diapers we use...sharing potty training techniques... But doesn't everyone, deep down inside, want something more?

I know I do.

I want to learn from other women who have already been in my shoes. I want to learn how to be a better mother and wife. I want someone committed to praying for me. I want to have my life be an open book for others to speak truth into or for others to learn from.

Most of all, when change comes, I want to embrace it. I don't want to run from it. It's still hard sometimes, but I know that God is sovereign and that I can trust Him with every change.

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