Wednesday, May 20, 2009

First ever "Wordful Wednesday"

Welcome to "Wordful Wednesday" created by Angie at Seven Clown Circus.

Last weekend we went to our annual youthworkers retreat at Camp Shamineau in northern Minnesota. It's a great time to get together with our good friends and other youth pastors, wives, and their families from all over the state. We worship together, learn together, and stay up WAY TOO LATE talking about ministry, catching up on each other's lives, and encouraging one another. We treasure this time because we only get to see many of them once a year.

This year I've also realized what a treat this is for our kids. They get to hang out with other "PK's" (pastor kids) who understand exactly what their life is like. They have they own sessions, and LOVE being at camp. The following are some GREAT pictures from the weekend! Enjoy!

Sammy (far right) loved going down the slide with her friends Brooke, Abby, Macy, and Ali.

She also was quite obsessed with the horses. (Her favorite horses were Zach and Billy.) I could not tear her away from the horse barn, and she rode horses the ENTIRE time it was open. (And no, even though she's asked, Sammy WILL NOT be getting a pony for her birthday!)

One of my favorite things about going to camp is having "campfire donuts." Caleb especially loves them!

1 comment:

gianna said...

isn't it fun to participate in these?