Monday, May 18, 2009

My first "official" Not Me Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.

Confession is so good for the soul!

I totally did NOT exaggerate on my post about my terrible, horrible, no good, very bad morning. There were three dogs, but only one officially ran after me. I surely would not have made that what? ...make myself sound more brave? Nope, that wasn't me!

I did NOT put my children in the van almost 10 full minutes before I actually left for errands because I couldn't handle one more minute of their crying and whining. And I certainly did NOT quietly put the laundry in the washer and dryer and finish washing the dishes in peace and thought about what a good idea it was! (And before anyone calls social services, they were safely buckled into their car seats with the van widows and garage door open with books to read...)

I did NOT ignore the fact that Sammy was trying repeatedly to climb onto the stage during our annual youth group lip sync and hoping that someone else would watch her while I continuously chased after Caleb.

I did NOT secretly LOVE the fact that some family sent me money in my graduation cards, even though I said to not send money or gifts.

I did NOT scream with joy when I heard my friend Dacia had a baby boy. I mean I really did NOT care if she had a boy or girl.

I certainly did NOT allow my children to stay up until almost 11:00 at our youth workers retreat last weekend. I did not cave and let them stay up because I didn't want them crying and waking up all the other good, sleeping children.

I did NOT have a can of pop (first in over 6 weeks) and MOUNTAINS of junk food at the youth workers retreat and then proceed to make a double batch of cookie dough when I returned home.

And the next day I did NOT eat 5 large tablespoons of cookie dough (and ONLY that) for supper.

Nope, NOT me!


Brad Aust said...

Love you hon!

gianna said...

nice! great job! i am so proud of you!

Unknown said...

I did not know you knew about Mack Momma! I love her! Just found your blog on face book and I am very happy about it. You must come to Eddy's this week and hang out in our street with us. We will try to find orange cones or some thing for the street, we keep talking about it but never do it. there are 17 kids on our block and people don't stop at the stop sign! I for sure wiil miss sharing day because of Jury Duty (suck) but hope to see you soon any way.