Friday, July 03, 2009

MckLinky Blog Hob

My good friend, Gianna introduced me to this morning's post. It's called MckLinky blog hop, brought to us by MckMama and her friend, Brent.

The first entry is an introduction about myself and my blog. Enjoy!

My name is Jenny, and I am first and foremost a daughter of the King. I am His redeemed child and His beloved one. And He is the reason for who I am.

I also happen to be wife to Brad...who is a youth pastor...a mother to Sammy and Caleb; a friend to many; a cook to our youth group students; a (traditional) scrapbooker; a obsessive compulsive women when it comes to tidyness, organization, and to-do lists; a MOPS and BSF attender; a play date organizer; a singer; a strategy game "gamer"; a mentor; an English teacher; a runner (wannabe); a best friend to my husband; a National Park lover; an adventure seeker; a blogger; a Facebook(er); a Survivor and Amazing Race addict; a maid (dishwasher, toilet cleaner, spill wiper...); and despite this long list, is a women who still struggles with who she really is. Go figure!

I started this blog because I wanted an outlet to write, journal, keep family and friend updated and connect with other stay at home moms. It really is all about my a mother, wife, believer in Jesus Christ...and my struggles, joys, and triumphs.

Who is next?

MckLinky Blog Hop

1 comment:

gianna said...

now we can host carnivals!