Monday, July 27, 2009

Praying for Stellan

Prayers for Stellan

I was up late last night praying and up early again this morning praying for this little boy.

And I just can't seem to stop crying.

MckMama (Jennifer) and I went to college together, but it wasn't until last March that I found her blog and began to follow the story of her son, Stellan. It's an amazing story, which began when Stellan was still in the womb. God's fingerprints have been all over Stellan's short life.

But now, little Stellan is fighting for his life.

And I just can't seem to stop crying.

I have never met Stellan, and don't even remember speaking to Jennifer in college, but I am terribly grieved over what Stellan, his mother, and the rest of his family are going through.

As I write, my children are happily making a tent and playing in Caleb's room. They are laughing and playing (with an occasional scream when one of them takes something from the other without asking).

But they are healthy, safe, and in my care.

This morning, it seems so unfair that my children are happy and healthy and Stellan is fighting for his life.

And I just can't seem to stop crying.

So, if you are reading this post, please, please pray for Stellan. And if you want to read about his miraculous story, please check out MckMama at her blog. I also pray that we would all be so grateful for the beautiful and healthy children that we have so graciously been given.

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