Friday, July 10, 2009 servant Caleb...follows me wholeheartedly...

Today is a pretty special day for me, and I've spent much of the morning remembering where I was 2 years ago at this time.

I know that it's Caleb's 2nd birthday, but every mom out there knows that her child's birthday is very, very special...not only because of meeting their child for the first time, but how that child changes the mother's life forever.

I blogged about Caleb's birth two years ago, but I couldn't let this day go by without acknowledging my "little man."

For both of our children, Brad and I had a couple of names picked out before I gave birth, but we always waited to officially name our children until we met them, face to face. For us, naming is very significant, and it's something we take very seriously. We were still contemplating Caleb's name...between contractions...two years ago. Once me met him, we KNEW he was to be named Caleb John Aust.

We had known someone previously named Caleb, and because of our experience with him, really came to love the name. Then, after reading more about Caleb in Scripture, we really desired our little guy to follow God as Caleb, son of Jephunneh, did.

Even though Caleb himself was not an Israelite, he followed after Israel's God and loved God's chosen people with all his heart. Due to Joshua's leadership, Caleb was often in the shadows, but his influence and love for God is apparent all over Scripture.

He was a man with integrity and great faith. He had no fear of standing up for what was right...even though a million people disagreed with him. "Then Caleb silenced the people before Moses and said, 'We should go up and take possession of the land, for we can certainly do it.'" - Numbers 13:30

His faith made him stand out, and only himself and Joshua were permitted to enter the Promised Land. "But because my servant Caleb has a different spirit and follows me wholeheartedly, I will bring him into the land he went to, and his descendants will inherit it." - Numbers 14:24

When something is repeated in Scripture, it's like a neon sign flashing, and we are supposed to make sure we take notice. So when God repeats His description of Caleb, it brings it home about what kind of man Caleb was. "except Caleb son of Jephunneh. He will see it (the Promised Land), and I will give him and his descendants the land he set his feet on, because he followed the LORD wholeheartedly." - Deuteronomy 1:36

So my daily prayer for Caleb, as I lay him down for his nap and at bedtime every night, is that he would have the courage to stand up for what is right, that he would not be afraid of the world and its influence, and that he would follow after God whole-heartedly.

I am so grateful for you, my son, and how you have made me into a mother for the second time. I love your curiousity, fun spirit, and playful attitude. I know that God has given you a sensitive heart, and I pray that it will continue to be a heart filled with compassion and empathy. Ultimately I pray that you come to know Jesus as your personal Saviour and surrender your life to Him.

May you always have a heart that follows Him wholeheartedly...


annies home said...

happy birthday to Caleb

gianna said...

i thought about you yesterday, caleb. happy birthday! you sure are a cute thing! and so fun! i hope you and dane get to be good friends!

kace said...

What a great prayer and precious boy! Happy Birthday Caleb!