Monday, July 06, 2009

Not Me, Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday. Once again, it's time to confess all those crazy, silly, and downright funny things we have done in the past week. Our good virtual friend, MckMama leads us always in our endeavor. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.

Confession is so good for the soul!

I did NOT try to "buy more time" by leaving Caleb in his crib almost 45 minutes after he woke up. I did NOT think of countless ways to keep him occupied (in his crib) with books and toys so that I could extend some cleaning/organizing time for myself. Nope! I always get him up right away and do all sorts of fun activities to stimulate and develop his mind.

I did NOT stay up until after 1:00 a.m. and spend three hours making this...

and this.

Nor was I SUPER impressed with myself with decorating my very first birthday cake.

At Caleb's birthday party, I most certainly did NOT think Caleb and his little friends were SO CUTE eating with their shirts off. And I did NOT take several pictures of these cute little men.

I did NOT call my husband...while taking a nap in bed...and beg him to come back inside (he was reading out on our deck) and get Caleb because I was too tired (and lazy) to walk about 5 steps to Caleb's bedroom and get him up myself. Who does that?

Happy Not Me, Monday!


~*Michelle*~ said...

Great Not Me post! I love the great job you did with that cake! NICE job! :)

gianna said...

the cake looks AWESOME! and those little men are too adorable!