Friday, July 31, 2009

Friday Fave Five

It's time again for Friday's Fave Fives, brought to us by Susanne at Living to tell the Story.

1. God's faithfulness. Even though I have been so unmotivated, undisciplined, and unfaithful the last few weeks, God has been so good to continue to give me forgiveness and His Word. After many days of literally NO quiet time with the Lord, I had wonderful fellowship with Him on Thursday and Friday. And what a sweet time it was!

2. Ten years of marriage.

Today, Brad and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary. We spent a wonderful evening together, shopping, eating, walking, discussing and planning for our big celebration...a cruise sometime this January or February.

God has done so much in the last 10 years to provide for us, grow us, encourage us, lead us, and teach us.

I am so grateful for Brad and his leading in our home. He is my best friend, soul mate, lover, listener, and regulator.

He keeps me down on the earth when I get carried away, listens to my dreams, and supports me in all I do. I love you Brad!

3. That the craziness of youth ministry will be over...soon! From July 18th to August 6, Brad has only been at home 6 out of those 20 days. He led one missions trip from July 18th - 26 and another one Aug. 2 - 6. While I love what he does and support him fully, it's been rough to have him gone so much in the last month...actually probably even rougher on Caleb who misses his daddy so much. I am eager to have him home and have some days as a family again.

4. Beautiful times with my Savior and being used by Him. God continues to amaze me as He uses me to connect people, encourage young moms, and do work to further His kingdom. I am so grateful that He chooses to use me!

5. Cooking again! With Brad's crazy schedule, I've been cooking a lot of kid friendly know, hot dogs, mac-n-cheese, grilled cheese, peanut butter and jelly sandwiches...but this week I got to make some normal meals because Brad was home...well, at least two of the five evenings this week!

This is baked chicken (with Italian bread crumbs), fresh green beans (from a organic farm co-op I'm in), and garlic red potatoes. Yummy!

6. I know it's supposed to only be five, but I had to add one more! On Wednesday, at 11:03 p.m., our 1st Aust nephew, Landon Richard Aust was born! Yeah! Caleb finally gets a boy cousin on his daddy's side.

Congrats Brian and Sarah!

1 comment:

gianna said...

jenny! you are so pretty!