Tuesday, June 16, 2009

6 random and unimportant things that make me happy

A new virtual friend of mine, Micah...who can be found at Silver Linings, tagged me and placed before me a challenge I could not refuse. (I always say I DON'T have time to do things like this, but, deep down inside, I REALLY like doing them!)

So, here goes...six random and unimportant things that make me happy!

The Rules:* List Six Unimportant Things That Make You Happy*
Mention and link to the person who tagged you*
Tag six of your favorite bloggers to play along{and comment on their blog to let them know they’ve been tagged}

1. a clean house...I really, really, really like having a tidy house. This means having everything in its place, having plenty of food in the fridge for guests, and ESPECIALLY a clean floor and bathrooms. I think I'm actually borderline obsessive compulsive about having a clean house...but having two small children forces me to let go a little more of that disorder every day. (I actually used to start cleaning up their toys WHILE they were still playing with them!) Seriously, a clean house DOES NOT USUALLY exist in my day to day world...but I wish it did!

2. cookie dough...ahhhhhh, I am obsessed with cookie dough! I always have LOTS of extra chocolate and peanut butter chips in my cupboard for any occasion...especially when students are over. There is no holding back at my house, and double dipping is expected! I'm getting hungry just thinking about it!!!

3. Survivor and the Amazing Race...I am a Survivor and Amazing Race fanatic. I do NOT get into any of the other reality shows, but I really can't wait until the next season of these shows begins. I am completely loyal and am always ready and willing to discuss the latest episode.

4. everything checked off on my to-do list...I am a concrete-sequential person, and I'm NOT afraid to say it, but I LOVE LISTS! And not only do I LOVE LISTS but I LOVE CROSSING THINGS OFF MY LISTS. Sometimes I've actually written things on my list that I've already done so that I can check them off! Or I add silly things like, "get up," or "have breakfast" or "take a shower" and no brainer things like that so that I can check more stuff off my list. I know, I know, I'm a nerd!!!

5. scrapbooking with friends...when I lived in the Twin Cities for two years, my girlfriends and I would scrapbook every Friday night. It was such a great time. Not only did we get a lot of scrapbooking done, but we also became fast friends and Friday nights became like "free counseling" as we shared our struggles with one another, prayed for each other, and laughed together. I really, really miss those days, but I try to scrapbook with friends at least twice a year...which is WAY too little!

6. sleeping in...I am a night person so I LOVE staying up late. This worked great for me...until having children! But God is so good, and He gave me pretty good sleepers for children. Most days, my kiddos don't wake up until around 7:30, and Sammy is old enough to get up and play in her room for awhile until Caleb wakes up. But 7:30 is still pretty early when you're up until 1:00. So whenever my husband is so kind to let me sleep in and take the kids in the morning, it is like pure HEAVEN!

Now consider yourself tagged by me!

1. Micah at Silver Linings
2. Gianna at A Traveling Thought
3. Erica at Let's Make a Home
4. Sharla at As for me and my house
5. Chris at spiders in my basement
6. Amy at It's Just Not That Complicated


Micah said...

I TOTALLY do the list thing. I put things like eating and brushing my teeth on the list after i have already done it just so that i have more things crossed off, and i have sooo many notebooks everywhere in my house full of lists!

Something Girlie said...

I am trying out a new blog, so I posted your tag on my old one and my new one. :)

gianna said...

hey! i like lists too! you should see my crazy lists. you are NOT alone. i completely understand!

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