Monday, June 15, 2009

Not Me, Monday

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have NOT been doing this week.

Confession is so good for the soul!

I do NOT overbook my schedule, and I NEVER over commit. Nope, I always make sure that I have plenty of balance and down time worked into my daily and weekly schedule.

So, it was NOT me who had a whole mess of students at my house two nights in a row last week...which meant insane amounts of cleaning and cooking for me. NOPE, I would NEVER stress myself out like that. (Did I mention that I did NOT have a mere three hours to cook and clean from the point my good friend and her three children left until students arrived?) Nor did I stay up late hanging out with students until after midnight right after a very crazy night with one very cute little girl.

I did NOT place neosporin and BAND-AIDS on my son's bottom because his diaper rash was turning into deep, red sores and blisters. No, who would put BAND-AIDS on their son's bottom! I did NOT call his doctor immediately the next morning and take the first available 2:30...smack dab in the middle of NAP TIME, even though I knew what a bad idea it was.

So, of course, it was NOT me who took two very tired and whiny children to the doctor a hour after they should have been napping peacefully in their beds.

It was NOT me who let her children sleep VERY late (my mother always said, "NEVER wake a sleeping baby.") so that I would have to speed to my pharmacy to pick up my son's butt cream later that evening.

So it was NOT me who banged on the front door of my pharmacy trying desperately to pick up the prescription cream for my son. (My cell phone said it was 5:53 and the sign said they didn't close until 6:00!) And I did NOT beg and sweet talk the pharmacist to a let me in and thank her profusely when she gave me his prescription.

After two very long days with the kids, I did NOT cave and decide to take them to Burger King...and then let me daughter wear her crown EVERYWHERE she went for the next two days.

I also did NOT go to my cousin's wedding and let my daughter dance like a wild child on the dance floor.

I did NOT beg my parents to stop chatting with family and friends and watch my children so I Brad and I could dance. I also did NOT let my children stay up until almost 11:00 so that I could dance "just one more song" with him.

And, I most certainly did NOT take my mom and dad up on their offer to watch our children for a week so Brad and I could get some major projects done around the house and go away for a couple of days, just the two of us.

I also did NOT cry and cry when I waved good-bye to my beautiful children, who were playing and having a great time with Grandma and Papa.

I also am NOT going to have an amazing week with my best friend and soul mate.

1 comment:

gianna said...

too funny! this week will go by in a snap! you are too funny!