Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Wordful Wednesday: Biker Sammy

Welcome to "Wordful Wednesday" created by Angie at Seven Clown Circus.

Somehow (apparently when I haven't been watching and without me realizing) Sammy has gotten old enough to ride a bike.

Seriously, how did this happen?

One day she was content to ride in the double stroller with Caleb and the next she's riding her bike (which was a hand-me-down from my nephew, James--gotta love having an older brother with older children!) next to me as I push Caleb in a stroller to the park!

And she is a PRO! It's like she's been doing this her whole life.

It's yet another reminder that this time is so short, and no matter how long the days might be, the years do fly by!

Ride on, little girl, ride on!


Susan Holt Simpson said...

What a proud smile she has!

gianna said...

SO CUTE! I can just hear her, too. "i'm going to ride my bike, mommy."

Muthering Heights said...

What a FUN milestone!

Micah said...

Tagged You! Go read my blog and get to work on your own post! :)

McClure Family said...

they do grow up so fast- in a blink really! great job on the bike riding!!

my ww's: